The Mistake -

One should be careful with his words or a small mistake may lead to strange consequences.
The Mistake
By Anon Allsop
I have always enjoyed garage sales and yard sales and have looked at them as one of the first signs of spring. Who was it that said, ‘One mans junk is another man's treasure.’ ...well, it was an understatement. I made my living off of yard sales, buying items at rock bottom prices and then reselling them in my "Second Hand" business. Sure I raise up the cost a bit, but not enough to take advantage of someone, but just enough to cover my overhead.
I wasn't married or dating which actually helped me in this business... at least that's what I kept telling myself. It seemed better by being able to purchase something without someone telling me that I wasted my money. If I thought it would sell, I bought it. That's what made this particular event more special.
I turned into the Highland Shores addition and my eyes were met with a vast number of signs from "Garage Sale" to "Ice Cold Pop". I had been looking forward to this event since last year and from the advance billings in the local media, this year would be no exception. This particular addition treat's their annual Addition wide Garage Sale like a carnival. They had rides, food and games for kids all under the watchful eyes of the local police and neighborhood watch. They thought that if the kids were safe and occupied, the adults would be free to "shop" and spend their money.
I parked my car along the main road at a friend's house. He was a very wealthy single man who was more interested making the money than spending it. His idea of a hot date was during the month of July and August... that's when the temperature peaked above 90 degrees. It wasn't that the women found him undesirable; it was that he wouldn't take the time to chase after them. I would bet that if a beautiful woman would suddenly fall from the sky and into his lap, then he would be interested. That is, as long as she devoted her life to "keeping" him happy... keeping house, keeping kids, keeping books, keeping out of stores... you get the picture.
Rob waived to me as I climbed out of my car. He was standing behind a long table with only four items sitting on top. A cooler full of cold pop that he was trying to sell for fifty cents each, his old stereo unit complete with CD player, His old free weight set and an autographed baseball by Pete Rose. I curiously pointed at the weights and he directed my attention to his garage where his gleaming new weight system was standing.
He smiled and offered me a pop, "It's the new Flex 2002, It is the Cadillac of the weight systems... it has everything!"
"You need to get a life," I kidded. "You should spend your money on getting a woman instead of all those toys you have."
He laughed, "Hey, if one drops into my lap that's pretty and has a pulse, then I'll do what I can to keep her."
I shook my head laughing and walked down his driveway to scout out the other sales in the immediate area. About an hour later I had managed to be quite a distance from my car and still nothing much to speak of. I had found a little jewelry, some minor video games, and a handful of new coloring books. I decided that I would take what I had back to my car and drop it off. A lady at one of the sales gave me a bag to carry all of my "treasures" so at least I wasn't burdened by too much to juggle.
It was shaping up to be a pretty decent day as far as the weather goes, the sun was shining and it wasn't too hot. My problem was that I had about three blocks still to walk to my car and I needed to go to the bathroom. My back was starting to ache and my feet were tired from walking so much. I glanced at my watch; it had been almost four hours since I started cruising for items... and starting to get a bit hungry. I remembered a sale on the last block before Rob's house that I had missed when I passed on the other side of the street. At first I wasn't going to go, but I decided at the last minute that I should probably stop in.
From where I could see as I was walking up their sidewalk, they had a lot of stuff here, mostly clothes and toys. I noticed that they had several tables of baby clothes and I knew that these items would sell quickly in my store. I walked over to the tables and started going through the items looking for the ones that didn't have stains or wear. I know I must have looked a sight going through the items but I didn't care... there was good money laying here and the prices weren't bad at all.
Next to the tables of baby clothes were some very nice Maternity clothes, I started looking at those as well. It was then that I saw two women on the other side of the table looking in my direction. They were occupied perusing over some children's clothes and completely ignoring the baby stuff; I smiled across at them and continued my searching. I noticed that one of the women had a very loose top on and could see her extended belly pushing it out in front. They gave a very quick glance at the table I was at and started to walk around toward my side.
I stepped aside as they went to another table being the gentleman that I was. They smiled and passed completely over the Maternity table, baby clothes and toys. I would have bet my paycheck that they would stop at this table. The woman looked at me again and refolded the item that she had been looking at.
I decided to try and make some small talk as people do when they are searching for things at garage sales. I usually avoid speaking as I am clumsy at it and it is just easier to avoid. As I was looking over a top paying particular attention that it wasn't stained, I said to the woman, "You should be looking at this stuff... it is actually quite nice."
She glanced up "Pardon me?" Her friend smiled. "I didn't catch what you said."
I repeated myself "There are some great clothes here; I'm surprised that you aren't interested in them."
She gave me a curious look, "Why would you say that?"
"Well, I noticed that you were expecting and figured that you would want to go through this stuff on the table. There are some really good, stain free clothes here."
Her face reddened as she frowned. "I'm not pregnant, nor do I think it would be any of your business if I were anyway!"
I tried to apologize, "Oh crap, I'm so sorry lady, I didn't mean..."
She again cut me off. "How dare you... I have never been so insulted! You think you can go around and make light of a medical condition..."
"Look lady, I'm sorry for what I said...I didn't know. I don't think it's worth getting your panties in a bunch for crying out loud." I raised my voice interrupting her. “It was an honest mistake!”
She shook with anger as she said a string of words low under her breath and she snapped her finger loudly in front of me. "Get my panties in a bunch, you say... crying out loud, you say. I think you need to be taught a lesson the hard way...where only you will know what transpires...I say!"
"I said I was sorry lady... geesch!" I shouted as I quickly paid for the items I wanted and left the garage.
I wanted to put as much distance between that crazy woman and myself as I could. So, I returned to my original path to my car, as I walked I started to ponder over my purchases.
I quickly crossed the street and began to walk down the tree lined sidewalk and putting my stupid mistake out of my head. Feeling the soft breeze of a warm spring day, I crossed over to the side of the street where Rob's house was and saw some small children playing on a swing set. I stopped to watch them; they looked so cute jumping and laughing that I found myself giggle at their actions.
I always wanted to have kids and figured that once I settled down, they would come. I wanted no less than three; in fact Rob and I had a bet on who would have kids first. I guess that's a moot point since we both are coming down that same path together. I shrugged my shoulders and gave the kids a wave as I continued down the sidewalk towards home.
I really needed to go to the bathroom so I quickened up my pace but was hampered by my aching feet. I felt like I had pulled a muscle in my back and placed my hand on it for support. I could see Rob working on the riding mower as I walked across the grass but came up short when I didn't see my car.
"Where's my car Rob?" I asked, annoyed.
He rose up and looked over the hood of the lawn tractor, "Oh hi... I didn't figure you would be done so soon the way you like to shop at these things."
"Where is my car?" I repeated myself.
He smiled and pointed into the garage, "I put it in there since I wanted to cut the grass. Did you enjoy your walk?"
Rob stood up and started picking up his tools. I never realized just how tall he really was, I always knew he was taller, but I figured it was only by two or three inches. He and I walked through the garage and he dropped his tools back into his tool chest.
"Let's get you inside so you can take a load off of your feet." He said laughing, and placed his hand on my back and directed me inside the house.
I went into the kitchen and he poured me a glass of ice water, "Here this will do you some good."
He handed me the glass and I took a sip. We walked into the living room and sat down on the couch and I asked him about his Garage Sale. "Did you sell all your stuff?"
"What stuff?" he asked.
"All of the stuff you were putting in the Garage Sale." I said laughing.
"Oh the stuff I had on that table? I was just cleaning out the garage." He responded.
I sat there deep in thought; I could have sworn that he was setting up a Garage Sale. "So you decided to keep the weights?" I asked.
"Yeah, I figured under the circumstances I could wait a bit longer to get those new weights I wanted. Hey, you want more water?" He asked noticing that I had emptied my glass.
"Uh... no, actually I need to use the bathroom." I said scooting to the edge of the couch.
I tried to stand but kept falling back into the couch... after a couple of tries I decided to rock myself back and forth and finally rose to my feet. Rob chuckled as he watched my predicament.
I walked back into the bathroom and with relief did my business and went back out into the kitchen. I was glad that I could finally go but troubled when I couldn't actually remember peeing. I mean, I remembered going but I realized the more I thought about it that I was pretty sure that I sat to pee that time. As I entered the kitchen, Rob was looking in the refrigerator for something to eat. I smiled at him from the other side of the kitchenette and just watched. He was actually a good looking man; I could see why he would have been quite a catch.
Rob noticed me watching and gave me a goofy look and caused me to start laughing. "Hey, you just going stand there or come around and fix us something good to eat?" I laughed and started to walk around the corner of the kitchenette when I felt a sharp stab of pain in my stomach. Rob saw me wince, “Hey, it’ll be okay for you to sit back, I’ll get lunch.”
I sat down at the table and watched him prepare some simple sandwiches; he made one of his disgusting "Dagwood" sandwiches for himself. I thought I was going to hurl at the smell of the thing but I maintained control of myself. He laughed when he saw the look of disgust on my face.
"Are you going to be okay? You don’t look so well." he asked as he placed my sandwich in front of me.
"I'm fine." I responded.
But in truth I was troubled, I had been watching Rob as he was making sandwiches and found myself thinking very disgusting and impure thoughts about him. He was standing there in his jeans and no shirt, his muscles bulging and making me very uncomfortable. And yet, my eyes kept wandering all over his rock hard body.
He sat down opposite of me and started eating, looking up once and a while to smile. I just sat there and picked at my lunch while wondering where the heck my appetite had gone.
"Are you sure you’re okay?" He asked as he studied my face.
I shrugged my shoulders, I was feeling okay for the most part but my stomach was acting up. I unconsciously placed my hand on it and was surprised at how much I had left myself go lately. I'd need to be hitting the gym pretty soon to get rid of the pot belly I was currently sporting. I glanced back over to Rob who was looking worried. I smiled and that seemed to relieve him a bit.
I told him that I thought I would go and stretch out on the couch for a while. “No way, I think the couch wouldn’t be very comfortable. Why don’t you go on into the bedroom and lay down there, it’ll be a lot quieter in there anyway.” I didn't want to argue so I headed to the bedroom.
I kept thinking that I needed to get off of my feet as they were aching quite painfully. I sat myself on the edge of the bed and kicked off my shoes. Rob followed me in and sat at the foot of the bed and lifted one of my feet into his lap, and started to massage it. I knew this was strange but I was so sleepy that I couldn't do much about it... besides it felt really good. Under the ministrations of his foot massage, I slowly drifted off to sleep with my hand gently rubbing circles on my upset stomach.
After what seemed to be hours, I opened up my eyes and tried to focus them in the inky darkness. It took me only a moment to remember where I was. At that moment of realization, the door at the foot of the bed opened and it lit up the room. I was aware of someone moving near the bed and felt them sitting down on the edge.
"Hey sleepy head; are you going to sleep here all night?" I recognized Rob's voice as he whispered.
"I'm sorry; I guess I must have been a bit ill or something." Wiping the sleep from my eyes and yawning.
Rob took his large hand and cupped the side of my face. He lowered his head down to mine and gave me a very pleasurable kiss. I didn't know what to think as I moved my hand over to push him away; my extended belly got into the way. My mind was a whirl as Rob gently started to kiss me more passionately, his soft touch began to massage my chest. I felt a sudden unparalleled urge to kiss him as he must have felt it too; our mouths met and lingered for a moment as he reached over and turned on the bed light.
"You know..." he said smiling, "I'm glad that you said yes to me some two years ago; I don't know what I would have ever done without you, and I thank God every day that you agreed to be my wife.” He smiled and played with my long blond hair. “Besides, what better way is there to celebrate our second anniversary by having our first child?"
I can’t be married I thought, but when I glanced at my hand there gracing my slender finger was a huge diamond with a matching gold band. But wait, I thought he mentioned that I was pregnant... that couldn't be.
At that very instant I lowered my hand to my protruding belly and felt something within it stir, I must have had an excited look on my face because Rob moved his hand to the same spot and started laughing. He looked at me, his eyes glassy with tears.
"You are so incredible, Cathy. Every day I grow more and more in love with you." I sat up in the bed and he hugged me and looked into my eyes. "We're going to give our child a great home."
I sat there and suddenly my mind was filled with memories that I never knew existed; of meeting Rob, dating him, falling in love, our wedding day, and our wedding night. I swung my legs out over the edge of the bed and let them dangle, I marveled at the beauty of them. They were well toned and soft, long and silky feeling. Rob ran his hand from my knee to the thigh and I felt a shudder... not of repulsion, but rather of some sort of internal passion.
I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror while Rob walked up behind me and put his arms around my waist and on each side of my very pregnant belly. I took my dainty very feminine hands and placed them on his, and moving him to where our child was stirring inside me. Somehow this felt right; we would make a family for this young baby. Rob kissed my neck and I leaned back into his powerful chest returning his kiss. Somehow a simple mistake, and a uptight witch, made an innocent comment into a future as a family for both of us.
It would be tough for us; it usually is for a young family just starting out. But I know that Rob will take care of me and his baby, as I will do my best to take care of them. He again kissed me on my ear, and I felt a tingle go down my spine. Rob leaned into me and I could feel his excitement swelling just behind me...
"Who ever said that a pregnant women couldn't make love, never had a woman like you under them", he smiled as he picked me up and laid me gently in the bed.
And so our lives begin, though I would bet it wasn't as the angry woman might have planned. Still, I knew that whatever our new fate had in store for us; we would be surrounded by a protection of love and family...and that is no mistake.