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The Linking Spell - By Anon Allsop


Problems arise when unbeknownst to Josh, a "Linking Spell" is cast upon him. Mrs. Anderson has decided that if her son Josh can't find the girl of his dreams... she would create one... someone just forgot to inform Aaron that he was to become that "perfect mate"!

The Linking Spell

By Anon Allsop

The sun was parked high in the sky as I wiped the sweat
from my forehead, it would have been extremely hot if it
hadn't been for the light breeze I was feeling as I powered
through the thick grass. I had been mowing Mrs. Anderson's
lawn for most of the summer; it was easy work and didn't
pay bad as lawns go.

I could never figure out why Mrs. Anderson's' grown son
Josh, never cut it just to save her the money... oh well,
it kept me well supplied in videos and paid my way into the
movies now and then. Josh figured that he didn't have the
time since he was starting his residency and needed most of
his time directed toward that endeavor. It also didn't hurt
that his Mother was incredibly wealthy, Josh had never
really had to do anything... it was all done for him.

That brings me back to my little chore here, I didn't mind
cutting the lawn... in fact, it gave me time to think. It
didn't hurt that once done; I'd have $30.00 in my hot
little hand as well.

I turned the corner and started the last portion of yard
that put me near to her lawn garage, I knew that it would
have taken me forever if I didn't have the use of this big
John Deere lawn tractor... I loved it, it made me feel
important and trusted knowing that she let me, a 16 year
old in control of such an expensive machine.

As I made my last few passes over her lawn I watched her
sipping her drink from the shade of a huge flowering tree,
as she and I made eye contact she waved and held her glass
up. I knew immediately what she meant, she was inviting me
to drink lemonade with her... I enjoyed the down time, it
gave me a chance to let the feeling creep back into my legs
from over 3 hours on the seat of that big green monster.

Mrs. Anderson was a great looking older woman, short, but
thin. She had graying hair that she usually pulled back
into a loose bun or sometimes I would see her with it down,
like she was today. She was calmly flipping through the
pages of a magazine, while spending time either watching
her son Josh... or myself finish the lawn.

I could see Josh quietly smacking tennis balls back toward
his pitching machine, practicing his game that would
probably never see an opponent. Josh wasn't a bad guy, it
was that his mother was very picky on the girls that Josh
liked. He was 24 and had dated only one time that I knew
of, and Mrs. Anderson didn't approve of her... so that was
the end of that.

It wasn't that Josh didn't like the female form, quite the
contrary... he would love a relationship with that special
someone. It was that once he entered high school, Josh was
so focused on becoming a doctor that he passed up all the
chances that would have allowed him to date. Then, when he
entered college the dating scene was again pushed aside
because of the studying and classes. Now that he had all of
this behind him, he was ready to begin his search for the
"perfect girl". Only his mother had in mind what SHE felt
the "perfect girl" should be. I think Josh knew this... but
in his own way, he let her dictate her will on him... he
would see what type of girl his mom would come up with.

She, on the other hand was looking for that "PERFECT" girl,
one that wasn't interested in Josh's inheritance or Mrs.
Anderson's vast wealth. The one girl that would worship the
ground that Josh walked on and do anything for the
happiness of her son.

Mrs. Anderson looked forward to the grandchildren that this
young girl would give her... I knew this because she had
told me. I also knew that the type of girl that Mrs.
Anderson wanted for her son... didn't exist. That girl
would be too perfect... every girl has some little nuances
that would be considered flawed to Josh's mother and yet,
fit into Josh's ideal form.

I knew more than Josh, on how Mrs. Anderson was "planning"
for his future behind his back. Many times she would
casually ask me about girls that I knew, and then ask my
opinion of those girls that she had known Josh liked. It
was very odd to discuss these things with Mrs. Anderson,
but at least it gave me someone to talk to... someone who
actually respected my ideas and opinions.

I never really liked to talk to adults much, it seemed that
Mrs. Anderson was the only one that really understood me at
all. She knew that my life at home wasn't very normal, as I
stayed pretty much to myself since being shifted back and
forth between foster families. I had been doing that for
almost 11 years now and I had to think way back to remember
my "real" family at all. That was probably the biggest
reason I seemed to like Mrs. Anderson as much as I did, she
was an adult that really listened to me and seemed to care
about my welfare.

Pulling into the garage, I slowly powered down the tractor
and shut off the blades, I was done and it was time to
clean up. Using a broom hanging from the interior of the
garage I began to sweep the grass clippings from the deck
and engine, I couldn't stand putting away such a fine
machine without a proper cleaning. I noticed Mrs. Anderson
smiling from under her broad hat as she sipped her drink.

My eyes wandered from her to Josh, I couldn't see why his
Mom wanted to keep interfering with every girl he knew. He
was a really likeable guy and could have just about any
girl he chose. But Josh cared about his mother's feelings
and wanted to make her happy... he would let her pick a
girl for him... like some ancient Emperor. I shook my head
and began to sweep the clippings into a pile on the
polished cement. Josh did really have it all, he was
handsome... well... you know, for a guy. He was wealthy and
had a great sense of humor. He would go far, he was already
in his second year of residency, as a doctor. The girl that
got that guy would be set for life... and his Mom knew
it... that was why she was so persistent on her choice of
"his" girl.

Mrs. Anderson was a whole different story all together, she
wanted a daughter in-law that wasn't a gold digger. One
that was interested in Josh for Josh's sake and not how
much he had in his bank account. It almost made me laugh
when the two of them would go around if he even glanced at
a girl... I almost felt sorry for him. I had told her once
that maybe she should let him choose and just "see" what he
came up with... that was how normal families did it. I
thought she was going to explode at me, but she didn't, and
nodded as she listened. That was what I liked about her,
she chose the time and place to assert her authority. When
she did, you knew that she was upset.

I finished sweeping the pile into a small dustpan and
deposited it into the trash... 'Now it's time to get paid!'
I thought to myself as I headed across the freshly mown
lawn, drinking in deeply its heavenly scent.

As I slowly approached her chair, I wondered what ever
happened to Mr. Anderson... I had never asked, nor had she
ever mentioned him. It didn't really matter so I just
pushed the thought out of my mind. She looked up at me with
her darkened sunglasses and smiled. I smiled back trying
not to be too eager in asking her for my pay. She gathered
herself up and motioned for me to wait there, I watched her
walk back into the beautiful house and disappear in search
of my money... it was always the same... every time.

I took my seat on the other side of her table and slowly
looked around the lush property, this was one very lucky
family. To belong to this family would be well beyond my
wildest dreams, but it was something that I could fantasize
about. A shadow fell across the table startling me out of
my deep envious thoughts, it was Mrs. Anderson returning
with my pay... and a tall glass of lemonade.

"Thank you!" I replied as she sat the cold liquid down in
front of me. I watched for a moment as the napkin that she
sat it on began to soak up the condensation that was slowly
forming on the outside of the glass.

"The lawn looks lovely." She placed a Twenty and a Ten down
next to my hand, "Better put that away before the wind
takes it from you."

Beautiful and wise I thought.

"So Aaron, how have you been?" Stuffing the money she
handed me deep into my pocket, I realized that she had
asked me a direct question. She was smiling as I tried to
pull my hand out of my jean pockets.

"Okay... I guess." I stammered. She could see right through
me and added, "You still with the Moore's?"

I slowly turned the glass watching the light reflecting
from each little bubble. "No, they were having some family
problems of their own... so Child Services moved me back in
with the Kendrick family."

"Isn't that the family that had the older boy that kept
picking on you?" She spoke with concern in her voice. "That
has to be the third or fourth move yet this year..."

"Fourth." I added. "Yeah, that him... and that's the forth
move this year, twice with the same family." I took a long
drink of the sweet mixture. "I'm getting sick of moving." I
said, slowly lowering the glass back down.

Her mouth dropped open, "That HAS to be effecting your

I shrugged my shoulders, "It doesn't matter, I plan on
leaving soon anyway." She straightened up at that response
as I continued, "I just don't see much of a chance at
school, bouncing around from family to family. Besides, I
have enough saved back to brush the dust off of my feet and
leave this stinkin' town!"

I gave her a smile and finished down my drink, she seemed
to be in deep thought as I thanked her and walked over
toward Josh. He had stopped with his tennis practice and
was resting on a bench next to the fence.

He turned and smiled as I walked up, "Well hello there
Aaron, lawn looks nice."

"Yeah, thanks." I looked around at my efforts, "It does
look good!"

He picked up his towel and began to wipe the perspiration
from his hair and neck, as he did, he began to pull off his
shirt and rub his towel along his bare chest. I tried not
to stare but he was an excellent physical specimen, tall,
chiseled features, dark wavy hair and a deep bronze tan. I
only wished that I could have a body like that someday.

"What's up with Mom? She looks deep in thought." His voice
bringing me back from my thoughts.

I shrugged my shoulders, "We had been talking... I told her
that I would be leaving soon."

"No kidding?" He asked. "You getting adopted or just moving
in with another family?"

"Neither, I told her that I would be running away." I
waited for his response.

"You actually think you're fooling my Mom? I'd bet she
already knew what you were thinking and has planned
something without you're knowing about it." He laughed and
tossed a ball across the court.

"I don't have any clue what your Mom is thinking... why,
did she say something to you?"

"Earlier today... before you got here, she may have
mentioned something about bringing you here." He picked up
his racket and made a sweep through the air, "Maybe then, I
can teach you the game?"

"Well... that might be cool." I wondered what she was up
to. "I really don't want to get my hopes up... and then
have the rug ripped out from under me. But that thought
would be really awesome if it were true."

"All I know is she doesn't want you to leave town... she's
afraid you'll get hurt or something bad will happen... I
think she may have plans for you..." He started to head
back without his shirt and resume his practice, then turned
back toward me. "I really hope you can get her to bring you
back here... I would love to show you how to play. It might
be pretty neat having a little brother around here!"

He waved and trotted back to the court, pressing a button
which started the little tennis balls to begin flying
across the net, I watched him for a bit and after giving
him a wave started back to my third home in less than a

As my feet plodded in the direction of my newest place of
residence, I kept replaying what Josh had said to me over
and over in my mind. Then thinking back to the look of
concern that Mrs. Anderson had on her face when I told her
that I had thought about running away.

"Just what are you up to Mrs. Anderson?" I spoke softly to


I was $30 dollars richer as I walked into the house and
headed straight up into the bedroom I was using. I was
pretty sure that I finally had enough to get away from this
town and head out on my own. I pulled the little box open,
dumped its contents onto the bed and began to count it.

Including what I had made today, I had almost $150.00 and I
pushed it all back into my pocket, I decided that I
couldn't wait for Mrs. Anderson to make her move... I had
to be my own man and rely on myself for getting me out of
this life I was trapped in. Pulling a pad of paper from my
dresser I began scribbling a note, I wanted them all to
know what I felt.

Grabbing my book bag I dumped it's contents onto the floor
and began to fill it with clothes. I was tired of moving,
tired of the different families and tired of having to
answer to Child Services. I took one last glance around the
room and pulled the door closed behind me. Slowly I walked
down the hallway and checked into each bedroom, it didn't
appear that anyone was home... even better.

I quickly went down the steps and out into the yard keeping
behind the bushes and slipped quietly away without being
seen. I was headed straight out of town and wanted to keep
out of sight... the direction I was taking would do just


At the house, Mrs. Kendrick pushed the bedroom door open
and saw the pile of books lying on the floor. She muttered
to herself as she stacked them on the end of the bed in one
neat pile, that's when she noticed a note laying on the

"Thanks for all you have done... I really mean that. My
leaving isn't anything that you have caused, but more of
what I feel I must do. I am tired of being tossed from
family to family, and I think I can do pretty well for
myself on my own. Please give this note to Mrs. Shurley at
Child Services... I won't go back! No more, never again.
Don't look for me, I don't intend on being found. Thanks
again for trying...  Aaron."


The Police were called and they pretty much told Mrs.
Kendrick what she already knew, the boy would be classified
as a runaway, and even though they would put out a bulletin
on him, it would be doubtful that he would ever be seen
again... unless of course, he wanted to be found.

Child Services took the note and sadly slipped it into
Aaron's file, another one had fallen through the cracks.
She looked out the window and gave a silent prayer for the
young boy that she had gotten to know over the last few
years. He wasn't the type of kid that would get him into
trouble with the law... at least not yet, she had seen
others that had been the same type of child as Aaron, turn
toward a life of crime in their anger. She just hoped that
it wouldn't be the same for this young man.


I was about seven miles outside of town when the sun began
to set directly ahead of me. With the added effect of
darkness, I felt secure in staying hidden. I smiled knowing
that I hadn't seen a person or vehicle since I left the
house... I was pretty sure they didn't know the direction I
had gone.

I had cut through a wooded section that would take me to
the interstate where I might hitch a ride, when I noticed
the trees thinning a bit and suddenly a road appeared
before me, I could hear the deep throaty sound of a sports
car speeding down the road. I scurried back into the
growing shadows, with surprise I watched as a very familiar
vehicle roll to a stop. It was being driven by Mrs.

"Now how did she find me way out here?" I asked myself as
she lowered her passenger window. It was almost as if she
had read my mind... I looked around and stepped toward her
shiny BMW convertible.

"Get in!" She scowled. I opened the door and sat down in
the little sports car, "Aaron, you should be ashamed of
yourself... sneaking off like you did."

I didn't know what to say... as I closed the door my
silence speaking volumes. She continued, "You know that all
you needed to do was ask for my help and I would have been
there right away." I looked down at the floor as she
scolded me.

"So... are you going to take me back?" I waited for her
answer while gripping the door handle.

"Yes... and no." I pulled up on the handle to climb out...
there was no way that I was going back there. "It won't
work, Aaron." She smiled as I tugged against the handle.

How did she do that? There must be an auto lock switch on
her side of the car. If I was going to be trapped in a
car... at least it was with her.

"Okay... I'll listen. But I won't go back to Foster Care!"
I thought I could show her that I meant business.

"You WILL be going back... but to my home." I left go of
the handle and turned my face toward her. Could what my
ears have just heard, be true I hoped?

"You're going to foster me?" I asked.

She smiled and sighed, "No... I have better plans."

"Adoption?" I asked sounding even more hopeful.

"No... not that either." I frowned at her answer.

"If you won't foster me... and not adopt me, what's left?
Am I just going to live there?" I was becoming frustrated.

"Well, you will live there, but fostering or adopting won't
allow you to do what I have in mind, that wouldn't be
right." I was confused and she knew it.

She put her car into drive and began to pull away from the
woods, I was stumped and I think she was enjoying herself.
I sat quietly and stared out the window while trying to
figure out her plan, then an idea hit me.

"You want me to live there and become your little lawn
boy... right? Am I to become nothing more than a hired

She laughed and giggled at that comment. "Not hardly!"

"Well... damn it, give me a hint!"

She looked toward me in mock surprise... or maybe it was
genuine, she had never heard me swear before.

"Okay, if you insist. It has very much to do with Josh."
She smiled, "That's all I'm going to say... for now. You'll
find out soon enough."

Okay, now I was completely baffled! It wasn't that she was
going to foster me or adopt me... I wasn't going to just
live there nor work for her. I was getting a headache
trying to figure out what she had in mind.

"Does Josh know that you have something in mind for him?" I

"Oh, he knows I'm up to something... he just doesn't know
it involves you." I threw my hands up in absolute
frustration causing her to laugh.

"Soon enough dear... soon enough..." Her voice trailed off
as she spoke.

I sat in silence trying to figure out what she had in mind
as we drove toward her home. How she found me that far
outside of town was beyond me, I couldn't fathom how she
knew that I would be coming out of the woods at that
specific point... it was an incredible guess.

I found myself checking her little sports car out, the
genuine leather seats were soft and very comfortable. She
downshifted, causing me to focus on how her leg and hand
worked in unison to make that little car speed along. My
eyes darted from the shifter to her legs, which were barely
covered by the shorts she was wearing, for an older
woman... she had spectacular looking legs.

It was almost as if she had been reading my mind, she
turned and smiled at me causing me to blush with

"Oh... it's okay dear, I don't mind."

I looked back almost involuntary, then quickly turned to
look out of the window. I was so upset with myself for
taking that second glance that I shook my head in disgust.
How could I ogle a woman old enough to be my mother... I
wanted to crawl somewhere and just die.

Trying to change this uncomfortable feeling I was having I
decided to bring up Josh, "Will Josh be there when we get
to the house?"

"Oh, that's so sweet Aaron... you really care for him don't
you?" She almost gushed with happiness.

"I like him a lot, he's one really cool guy." I calmly

"That's good because you'll be around him more than ever."
She smiled my way, "I know he'll care for you as well."

"He said he would teach me to play tennis... I'd like
that." I remembered out loud.

"You sure you want to play that game... it seems so sweaty
to me." She spoke, not taking her eyes from the road.

"I don't mind getting sweaty, especially if it is doing
something fun." I added.

"That's true, but Josh ends up having to take his shirt off
just to cool down." She glanced my way as she spoke.

"Yeah, he had to do that today when I was talking to him."
I nodded.

She laughed and added, "He just does that to impress people
with his physique... the big show off."

"Well... it impressed me! I wasn't aware that he was so
buff." I admitted.

She studied me for a second or two then replied, "You know,
I bet you're the first to actually say so... of all the
people he has come into contact with."

I laughed and kidded, "Yeah, it's too bad I'm not an older

She smiled and patted my leg, "Yes... that is too bad isn't

She drove on for a few minutes and was really intent on her
thinking, I just sat watching the lights from the city in
the window. When she did speak I almost jumped from her
startling me.

"It will be an hour before Josh gets back from his hospital
rounds, as soon as we get home... why don't you go up and
shower. You really need to clean the mud off of yourself
from hiking in that woods."

"Sure... no problem." I didn't even look her way and spoke
aloud the thought that had been playing in my mind, "Unless
you tell... nobody will know that you picked me up."

"That's true. Do you want me to tell?" She questioned me

I thought about it for a few seconds, "I don't want anyone
to ever find me. I can't go back into foster care... I hate
it and I'll just run away again."

"I thought so. Josh and I will hide you."

"Thanks, I really appreciate it." I fought back the tears
from welling up in my eyes.

"I just hope you always will... no matter what happens."

I wondered about her comment, but brushed it aside thinking
that she was just worried about getting in trouble with the
law. With her money, she could just buy her way out of any
jam that I'd get her into.

She became quiet as if she were thinking of something then
began to speak softly, "Tell me Aaron, if you were a
woman... around Josh's age, would you be interested.
Hypothetically speaking, mind you."

I found her question to be a bit curious, "Hypothetically
speaking, if I were a girl... then, yes I would probably be
interested in him. Why are you asking that type of question

She just shrugged her slim shoulders.

"Just wondering... that's all." Her eyes were smiling even
though she seemed to be very serious. "I really am curious
to hear your comments... "

"What's not to like about him... if I were a girl." I
added, "He's good looking and successful. Most girls would
kill to have a guy like that!"

"I'm not interested in 'most girls', I want the perfect
girl for my Josh." Her turn signal made me realize that we
were now turning into her long driveway. "Still speaking
hypothetically, if you were a girl...  would you want his

I was very uncomfortable with her line of questions, but I
decided to humor her anyway, "If I were a woman, and he and
I would be interested in each other...  in that way, then
yes, I would probably want his children."

Mrs. Anderson smiled wide and appeared giddy.

"You would marry him of course." She added as the car came
to a stop in the garage.

"I suppose I would, I couldn't see bringing any kid into
this world without being married." I laughed to myself with
her questions, but come to think of it, these questions had
been no different than those she asked every time I was
over here.

"Would you breast feed your children?" Her question almost
made me laugh out loud. A stern look from her made me
realize that she was indeed serious.

I rolled my eyes and she gave me THE LOOK, "I guess so... 
every woman I ever knew that had a baby, would breastfeed.
As I understand, it's supposed to be better for the child
anyway...  passes along all of the mothers antibodies or
something like that."

"Very good answer... " She seemed almost impressed that I
could come up with that on my own. "Now here's the big
question...  are you still a virgin?"

I couldn't control myself anymore and started to laugh
aloud. She glared at me and opened her door swinging her
legs out and letting it slam behind her. I pulled on the
handle to get out and it still wouldn't budge. I leaned
across her seat to see if I could find the switch that she
had to have hit, but came up empty.

"A little help here..." I called out.

As she stormed her way toward the interior door to the
house she paused and waived her hand in a casual way,
"There...  try it now!"

To my surprise it gave way to my efforts and swung open.
Stepping out I glanced back at it as I closed the door.

"Now how the heck did she do that?" A key remote came to
mind as I followed her toward the door of the garage.

We went into the house where she threw her keys down on the
counter, I felt bad that I somehow had made her upset. She
hung her purse on the back of a chair and walked into the
living room.

"Follow me."

I sheepishly followed her down a long hall and into a big

"You can sleep there. I'll get something out for you to
wear after your shower. The bathroom is through that
doorway...  you'll find linens in the closet." She pointed
into the room.

She turned and left the room pulling the door closed behind
her, I knew that I had really pissed her off by laughing at
her invasive question...  but really, who wouldn't have

From behind the closed door she shouted out, "I wouldn't

I spun around and faced the ornate door, I never said that
out loud...  how did she know what I had been thinking? I
felt the tiny hairs on my neck rise up, she was really
creeping me out.

I quickly stripped down and threw my dirty clothes into the
hamper in the bathroom. I laid out an outfit that I could
wear after my shower on the bed and returned to the
bathroom to clean up. In only moments, I was enjoying the
hot shower and it's pulsating head. I forgot any more of
our conversation...  we were like that, argue one moment... 
then forget it.

After a twenty minute shower I stepped out and grabbed my
towel, I stood there in front of the mirror and dried
myself off. As most teenage boys do, I couldn't resist
posturing in front of the mirror in all kinds of poses that
would show off my muscles. I laughed at myself, knowing
full well I wouldn't be winning any bodybuilding trophies
anytime soon. I had wrapped my towel around my waist and
walked back into the bedroom where I had laid out my

I pulled up short because the clothes I had just laid
out... were gone! A quick walk around of the room told me
that someone had taken them out. I got down on the floor
and looked under the bed... nothing.

"Mrs. Anderson must have come in while I was taking my
shower..." That was the only thing I could think of.

I sat down on the bed and tried to figure out what I would
wear, as my hand came to rest on the bed, I felt some
clothing. I picked up the items I shook my head in
disbelief. Each article was a soft peach color, a baggy
type of sleep shirt and a pair of boxers.

I assumed that they were Josh's so I pulled them on and
stood up shaking my head, "Dude, you have to be real
comfortable with your masculinity... wearing this get up."

I figured that I must have really ticked Mrs. Anderson off
for her to come in and steal my clothes... she had even
removed the book bag filled with the other items that I
grabbed when I skipped out of the house.

I finished drying my hair out and laughed at my reflection,
I had hair going all over the place. After a quick search I
opened a drawer and found a comb, and began to pull it
through my hair.

It didn't take a genius to see that I needed a haircut, I
would ask Mrs. Anderson if she could give me one. I had
been trying to make Child Services and my foster families
sore at me for letting it grow out... they ignored it and I
was left with hair down to the top of my shoulder.

In the mirror I looked like some ugly girl because the
shirt I had on, could have belonged to a girl... but I knew
better. I headed out of the room and down the hallway in
search of Mrs. Anderson, I found her in the kitchen cooking
up something that smelled really good.

She looked over her shoulder as I walked in, "You look

"Uh... yeah thanks." I decided to not say anything more
about my clothes, and instead tried to butter her up a bit.
"Smells good... what's cooking?"

"Beef tips with broccoli and cheese sauce... it's quite
good." She kept stirring the cheese sauce as she spoke.

"Smells great!" I felt bad for laughing at her so I thought
I would make it up by answering her question even though I
thought is was dumb. "Uh... Mrs. Anderson, I'm really sorry
for making you mad... I didn't mean to laugh."

"That's okay dear, I understand." She opened up the stove
door and examined the item cooking inside.

"The answer is yes..." I couldn't believe I was answering
her at all.

"Yes what, dear?" She gave me a curious look.

"Yes to the question you asked me in the car... about being
a virgin. It just caught me off guard... that's all." I
felt a bit better after I got it out.

"That's okay dear, I was just asking for Josh's sake..."

Now what the heck did she mean by that little comment, "I
don't understand?"

"You are going to be Josh's little playmate." I frowned at
her, I think she had a screw loose or something.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"I'm fine. Are you okay?" She answered me with a question
of her own.

What the heck did I get myself into with this family, she
must be having a stroke or something to be asking me things
like she is.

She laughed and tossed the hot pads onto the counter, "I'm
going to let Josh mold you into his perfect mate. You
already said you liked him."

"Well... yeah, but not like that!" I spat back.

"That's okay, you will." She smiled as she started to get
dishes out of the cupboard. She turned and handed me the
stack and directed me toward the table. "What's not to like
about him... you said it so yourself."

I had to put as much distance from her as I could... even
though I liked her I was becoming very afraid of the way
she was talking. I thought I could change the subject so I
decided to ask about my clothes.

"Uh... Mrs. Anderson, what did you do with the clothes that
I laid out?"

"Come on dear, call me Cindy... or Mom, whatever your
pleasure. The clothes, that's another matter entirely...
they're gone. From now on, you'll be wearing only the
clothes that Josh likes."

She didn't see me raise my eyes to the ceiling in

At that point I just turned and walked away from her, she
had lost her mind... only she didn't know it. I began to
set the plates around the table when I heard the door to
the garage close.

Mrs. Anderson carried a steaming hot dish to the table,
"Looks like Josh is right on time. Be a dear Aaron and get
the silverware."

I turned and headed to the drawer, being familiar with her
house had it's perks. This wasn't the first time that I had
eaten with them. As I was rummaging around the drawer
pulling out each utensil, Josh walked in and pulled off his
suit jacket. I had turned to face the table at that moment
and paused as a sudden wave of euphoria washed over me,
just as suddenly as it appeared, it was gone and I shook my
head in utter confusion. Josh was okay, but to actually be
excited for his return just didn't make sense... unless it
was to place one more sane person in the room. I shuddered
as Mrs. Anderson shot me an angry look that completely made
me uneasy to the core.

"Well, hi there Aaron. What brings you to our humble
abode?" Josh grinned as he kissed his mother's cheek. He
stared at me for a moment then asked, "Is that all you have
to wear?"

I felt my face redden, "It was what your mother gave to
me." I left out the fact that she took my real clothes.

"I like it... that color's good on you!" He smiled and
pulled out his mother's chair and waited until she sat back
down. I looked down at myself, I guess if it looked okay...
I'd leave it on.

Mrs. Anderson patted her son's hand as she smiled at me,
"Josh will be staying here with us indefinitely... we, are
protecting him from being sent to Child Services." Josh
nodded with his mother's comment.

"That's fine, we can do that." Then to me he said, "Welcome
Aaron... glad to have you grace our lovely home."

"Uh... thanks, Josh." I really needed to talk to him alone.

While we ate the sound was only broken by the light clink
of the silverware tapping the china, or the ice in our
glasses. I had noticed that Josh was staring at me and then
he finally broke the silence.

"You know Aaron, I have never seen eyelashes as long as
yours on a guy before... it's very incredible."

I blushed and almost choked on my drink, "Uh... I never
really noticed them before. I guess I've always had long
eye lashes... longer than most guys."

Mrs. Anderson sat there smiling, enjoying watching me

Josh took a couple more bites of food and shook his head in
disbelief, "I just can't get over how beautiful your eyes
are Aaron... they practically match the color of the sky!"

I was completely embarrassed and looked down as Mrs.
Anderson came to my rescue, "Now Josh, you're embarrassing
the boy." Josh smiled at his mother and nodded.

"I didn't mean to make you embarrassed Aaron, but you
really do have pretty eyes." He laughed and took a drink
from his glass.

I needed to quickly change the subject so I decided to ask
Mrs. Anderson about my hair. "After supper... do you think
you could cut my hair, I left it grow out to upset Child
Services. Since I'm here now, I don't need it this long."

"What's wrong with your hair dear? I think it looks fine to
me... don't you think so Josh?" I groaned to myself as Josh
looked up.

"Looks okay to me, if that's the way he wants to wear it. I
personally wouldn't like it that long... but it looks fine
on him." He laid his fork down and picked up a napkin.

"See Aaron, Josh does like long hair!" I glanced at Josh
while he was wiping off the corner of his mouth.

"Sure, I like long hair!" He took another sip of his drink.

"Well, yeah... on a girl!" I added.

Josh grinned at his mother, "I think all girls look their
best when their hair is long... it makes them sexy. But
unlike yours, Aaron, I would love find a girl where her
hair is long, somewhere around her shoulder blades, but
slowly breaks into curls as it gets closer to the end." He
kept looking at me and using me like a prop, "I don't know
why the first thing a girl does, is chop it all off and run
around like some fool boy. If I was looking for short hair,
I'd date a guy!"

I almost choked on my food to keep from laughing, Mrs.
Anderson wasn't impressed with Josh's comment. He knew it
and winked at her.

He pushed his chair back and stood up, grinning he saw at
least one more shot at making me uncomfortable. "If you
ladies will excuse me, I need to unwind a bit in the living

"You go on dear, we'll take care of the dishes." Mrs.
Anderson smiled as her son nodded, then turned and walked

She pointed toward the sink, "You rinse... I'll rid the
table and load the dish washer." I took up my position and
began to spray the remnants of food from each dish.

I stood there for awhile as Mrs. Anderson buzzed back and
forth carrying dishes and emptying leftovers into smaller
storage containers. I sprayed dish after dish and happened
to glance into the reflection of the window. My hair had
finally dried, but the bottoms looked really frizzy. I
leaned into the window more, they weren't really frizzy...
but had a light wave in them.

"I should have dried my hair better." I thought to myself.

When we were finally finished, Mrs. Anderson and I walked
into the living room and she waited for me to sit down. "I
think I'll head to bed. Why don't you and Josh watch some
TV for awhile." I nodded and kicked my bare feet up on the
couch. Josh had already propped his feet on a ottoman while
he flipped through the channels.

I watched Mrs. Anderson walk away and thought I would
finally be able to talk to Josh about his mother's health.
He looked over his shoulder toward the direction his mother
had walked, then began to enter a channel into his remote.

"I usually have to wait until Mom leaves before I watch my
program." He grinned at me. The TV came to rest on a bevy
of beauties playing volleyball in the sand. "Man, that
Hef's got it made!" He muttered under his breath. "That's
what I like about this channel, all the beautiful women!"

"Your Mom won't let you watch the Playboy channel? Or,
could it be that you don't want her to know?" I kidded him.

His grin said it all, "What Mom doesn't know... won't hurt
her." He sat the remote down and laughed. "Check out the
legs on that honey!" I had to agree with him, the girl on
the screen did have spectacular legs. He slowly shook his
head, "The girl I marry will have legs like hers... long
and sassy enough to wrap all the way around me."

A slow pain began in my thighs and became almost unbearable
before subsiding into a dull throbbing ache. I began to
massage the cramp away. He noticed me feverishly working
the muscle and had a look of concern.

"You okay?" He sat up and continued watching me.

"Your Mom picked me up near Miller's woods, I had walked
that far out of town. I think I'm just cramping up from
walking so much."

"Yeah, you're probably right." He began to watch his
program again.

After a few moments, the pain left entirely and I was able
to concentrate again. Josh was leaning back and noticed
that I had stopped rubbing my legs. "Pain gone?"

"Yeah, they feel okay now." I replied watching the screen.
The camera had panned on to a big busted woman as she
walked past.

Josh shook his head and picked up the remote, "All the
beauty in the world and she has to rely on those implants.
What a waste."

Again the channel was flipped and he stopped at a movie
that was playing. It was halfway through and the actress
was walking down the street while her lover was driving in
a car beside her. Her body language told me that she was
pretty sore at the guy.

"How old do you figure that actress is?" Josh asked then
sipped a drink he had next to his chair.

"Probably around my age... sixteen or seventeen." I calmly

"She has a great looking ass. I love that little slope in
her back just before it reaches her cheeks... mighty sexy,
don't you think?"

I couldn't lie... he was right. He continued to flip
through the channels until he landed on an X-rated site,
here a man and a woman were busy rocking the bed. All you
heard from the man was grunting... it was the woman who was
making all the noise. Between gasps of passion and soft
moans she would cry out as she ran through her orgasm.

"I like that in a woman, very vocal when having sex... not
too loud but just enough to make me horny."

"How would you know?" I kidded, watching him grin back at

I looked up at the clock and figured it was as good a time
as any to head off to bed. For some reason, I really wasn't
interested in watching TV anymore. I stood up as he flipped
the remote back to the Playboy Channel again. At that
point, there were three women sitting in a hot tub wearing
no tops at all.

"You leaving already?" He asked, noticing that I was
standing. "I guess big boobs don't impress you either...
most of them are artificial anyway." He took another drink
"That girl is okay if you like them big... but what I
admire on her is the size of the nipple."

I hadn't noticed so I studied the woman's nipple closer,
"She's okay I guess." I said absent mindedly scratching my

"Okay? Her areola is about three inches across and that
nipple has to be almost an inch long and as round as my
little finger." He shut the TV off and laid down the
remote. "I bet when she gets cold you could use those
puppies as a thermometer!" He grinned and made his eyebrows
jump causing me to laugh.

"Did Mom show you where you could sleep?" I nodded that she
had, "Great, I guess I'll turn in too."

I followed him down the hallway and he reached into my room
as he passed and turned the light on for me. "Don't let the
bed bugs bite!"

I laughed and headed into the room. He took a couple steps
and poked his head back into the doorway, "You really do
have beautiful eyes, you know." I threw a pillow at him,
leaving only one on the bed. Again he popped his head in
laughing, "Almost sexy..." The other flew across the room
at him. He ducked away and I heard him laughing as he went
on to his room.

I shook my head and chuckled to myself at Josh, he was a
really humorous man who I admired a lot. I picked up both
pillows and tossed them back on the bed and headed into the
private bathroom. I glanced into the mirror and realized
that the picture that had been hanging looked a bit lower
than it used to. Turning around I studied it a bit more,
either it was moved lower or I had grown almost two inches.
A quick glance revealed a hole in the wall at a higher
point, someone must have moved it down.

I laughed at my own paranoia and turned back to the mirror,
I opened the drawer and looked for the comb I used earlier.
A quick scramble inside the drawer brought up nothing, all
I had was a brush. I shrugged my shoulders and began to
brush out my hair.

It actually felt good to brush my hair this time, instead
of dragging that comb through, at least the brush wouldn't
damage my hair as much. Laughing at myself I shook my head.

"Now why would I ever be concerned about damaging my hair?"

Since it had dried, I smiled as the reflected light made my
hair shimmer, even the little curls at the end seemed
bouncy and full of body. I placed one of the little twisted
locks between my fingers and pulled it to its full length.
It even seemed longer than before.

"That's impossible... " I muttered to myself. "It does seem
a bit longer though... and where did all this wave come

I found my toothbrush next to the sink and began to brush
my teeth, as I did I saw a discoloration in the material of
my shirt. "I must have gotten something on it when we ate
supper... "That's what I get for eating in pajamas." I
rinsed my mouth out and turned to shut off the light.

I hesitated for a moment as my reflection didn't look quite
right, it almost appeared that my rear was rounder and I
had that "special" little slope that Josh liked. Knowing
that it was just the style of boxers making me look that
way I shut off the light and continued toward the bed.

In the darkness, I pulled back the covers and slid across
the silken sheets. The slick surface was ice cold to the
touch and caused Goosebumps to rush to the top of my skin.
I shuddered and knew that I wouldn't be able to sleep
unless I grabbed another blanket from the bottom shelf of
the linen closet.

I turned on the light, and dashed to the bathroom where I
would find the extra blankets. "Why do they have to have
the air-conditioner on so high?" I grumbled to myself,
"It's too dang cold in here."

My Ice cold hand shot to the light and I hurried across the
cold linoleum floor, "Man, I don't remember the floor being
that freaking cold!"

I found the fuzzy blanket I wanted and turned back to the
door. What met my eyes made me jump, the image that was
reflecting back had two very pronounced nipples jutting out
from a very flat chest. My hand slowly rose to the area.

"Just like the girl on the TV... nah, there is no way that
could happen."

Then I happened to look at my eyes, each one was framed
with long and luscious feathery hairs. Dark and slightly
curved, "I don't ever remember them being like this... it
almost looks like I'm wearing make-up... " I backed away
and took stock of my reflection, something was happening
and I just couldn't put my finger on it.

Realizing that I was going to drive myself crazy I took my
blanket, shut off the light and headed back to bed. Lying
there, I realized that I hadn't had a chance to talk to
Josh like I had intended, I would have to do it tomorrow. I
rolled over and attempted to sleep. I can't say that I
slept any better that night, maybe it was the bed, maybe it
was me... at any rate I had highly unusual dreams as I

The first one was of Josh trying to teach me to play
tennis, and like usual, he pulled off his shirt. At that
point it was fairly normal to me but it became weird when I
couldn't resist the urge to stroke his chiseled chest. That
uncomfortable feeling didn't leave even when I began to
dream another one.

This time, he was sitting behind me playing with my long...
and I mean long hair. Only it was lighter in color than my
own. What made it so bad was that at one point I looked up
into his face and he kissed me full on my mouth... and I
didn't pull away.

The third and final time, we were out riding his Harley and
I was sitting on the back when he had stopped to talk with
some of his friends. One of his buddies must have thought I
was a girl because he kept hitting on me. When I pulled my
helmet off to prove that I was a guy, all this long hair
fell from my head and cascaded down into the soft curls
that I knew Josh liked.

I opened my eyes suddenly and sat up in the bed, I realized
that sleep would be impossible as I kept replaying those
dreams in my mind. I decided that I would go out and get a
cup of milk or something to help me sleep.

I flipped the covers back and got up, "This can't be
happening... I have to get some sleep sometime... " I said

I left the bedroom and headed toward the kitchen where I
could see the faint glow of the TV. Apparently, Josh was
watching TV again.

I was right, I almost startled him as I walked in. He
quickly flipped the channel then flipped it back again once
he recognized who I was. It caused me to laugh because he
must have been afraid I was his mother. Seeing him alone
again, would give me another opportunity to discuss his
mother's possible illness... maybe he could take a look at
her and diagnose something that may be wrong.

He smiled and motioned me to the couch where he was
sitting, "Couldn't sleep either?" I shook my head agreeing
with him. "Have a seat."

I laughed and asked, "Were you afraid I was your Mother?"
He smiled and I continued, "Afraid she would catch you
watching something she wouldn't approve of?"

"Bingo!" He laughed, "Give the kid a prize!"

I sat down, "I was going to ask you something... but just
about the time I thought of it... nothing."

"It'll come back to you." he laughed.

"So what are we watching?" As if I needed him to say.

"A movie." He just smiled, sitting in the dark.

A quick glance at him revealed the fact that he was just
sitting there in his underwear, no shirt, no socks. I had
to look almost through him to see the TV, it was very
uncomfortable for me knowing those dreams that I had just
had. To top it off, I could see the slow swell of an
erection. I tried to look away but my eyes kept coming back
to his crotch. I felt my own begin to stir and I hid my own
swell with a pillow from the end of the couch.

He looked back toward me and smiled, "Nothing better than
this... watching TV in the dark wearing only my underwear.
Hope you don't mind?" He said laughing.

"Whatever trips your trigger." I answered shrugging my

"To tell you the truth, she trips my trigger." He pointed
to the girl on the TV. "She has got to have the most
perfect mouth I have ever seen. Thick pouty lips with a wet
glossy sheen... reflects the light in a very sexy way." He
sat and shook his head. "It doesn't hurt that she has a
perfect set of teeth either!"

"Figures you would focus on her teeth." I laughed.

"Well, being a doctor makes me appreciate the female that
takes care of her health." He tapped me on my arm, "And
believe me... she's healthy!"

I had hoped that he would soon hide himself like I had, but
to no avail, he just sat there somewhere between being rock
hard and soft. I could even feel my heart beating so loud
that he had to hear... but still, he did nothing. Didn't he
realize that he was bothering me?

"Well? Tell me you don't think that honey isn't a
knockout?" He tapped me on the leg to get my attention.

"Yeah, I guess she is pretty." I added to humor him. Then I
looked at the spot he had touched and frowned that I had
felt a little thrill when he had done that.

"Just look at her skin... simply flawless." He waived his
hands as he spoke, "I just love the deep golden tan she
has... absolutely breathtaking.

"Your mother would kill you if she knew you liked that type
of girl. I think she's expecting you to marry her clone." I

"Oh there are a lot of really pretty girls out there, just
none that are my type." He folded his arms and slouched in
his seat.

"And just what IS your type?" I poked fun at him.

"I'm looking for a girl that is beautiful AND
intelligent... maybe a Nurse or Doctor of some type." He
looked thoughtfully for a moment, "Mom's right about one
thing, I could never be interested in a slutty sort of
girl... that would never do."

He sighed and flipped off the TV leaving us totally in the
dark, where the only light was from the Moon filtering into
the window. I watched as he adjusted himself in the
darkness... why was I so fascinated with him, I wondered.

I nodded in agreement as he continued, "She has to be very
feminine, and yet... she would need a love for sports so
she could go places with me and enjoy the same things that
I do." I placed my feet on the floor and rested my hands on
my thighs. He continued, "Why the heck can't I find that
kind of girl, Aaron? There has to be one out there...

I felt sad for him, he deserved a girl that would give him
everything he wanted. Even his own mother knew that... why
couldn't he find one then. I rested my hands beside me as I
waited for him to do something... but for the life of me I
wasn't sure what.

He rose to his feet and held out his hand, "Come on, we'd
better get to bed. I have work in the morning." He happened
to look down for a moment, "Do you need to use the

"No... I don't think so... why? I wondered what brought
that on.

"Well... you're sitting there with your legs together like
you have to go. I just figured that you needed to use the
facilities." He again offered his hand, which I took, and
pulled me to my feet.

I don't know what I was thinking as I took the hand he
offered. I stood up and he slowly ushered me past him, my
body tingling from his touch. I walked toward the kitchen
in the darkness as he waited near the table. I popped the
refrigerator open and the soft light bathed both of us for
a brief moment... he was smiling at me. I filled up a cup
and drank the cold milk, the coolness clearing my head.

"That's not a bad idea!" He said as he stepped up behind me
and took the glass and finished what I had not.

His action surprised me as I had never had someone drink
after me. But a shudder enveloped me as I could feel the
warmth of his nearness and that made me extremely uneasy.
he sat the cup down into the sink, reaching around me, he
leaned against my back and I could feel his hardened chest
muscles against my skin. When he pulled his hand back away
he ever so slightly brushed the tip of my nipple causing me
to jump.

"Maybe tomorrow I could show you how to play tennis... if
you wanted. I should get back here a little earlier... say
around 5:00?" He was standing very close, I could smell his

"Uh... yeah, that would be fine." I stepped back to place
more room between us.

"Well... uh... I'd better go on to bed."

He stepped out of my way and motioned for me to pass. In
the dim light I glanced over my shoulder at him and could
see him visibly checking out my rear.

"What was going on?" I asked myself, "Was he getting an
erection because of me?" I almost laughed as I turned to
enter the room.

"I really need to get out more..." He laughed as he poked
his head into my room, "You're starting to look pretty good
to me now!" He laughed aloud as he continued down the hall.

As I found my way into the bedroom I pulled my warm blanket
back over me and whispered to myself, "I sure hope he was
joking... if not, well... at least that would explain why
he doesn't have any girlfriends... he's gay!" Then the
thought of how he had been treating me flashed into my
head, "Oh shit... I'm a live in target!"

Now besides his mother's apparent paranoia, I had to deal
with her gay son. The only thing that was bothering me was
the fact that he was pointing out the traits in WOMEN that
he admired... a gay guy wouldn't even be interested in what
a woman was built like... would he?

"I have got to find a way out of here!" I closed my eyes as
sleep finally overtook my tired body.


I woke feeling very refreshed, swung my legs over the bed
and bounded into the bathroom. Quickly did my morning
ritual and brushed the tangles out of my hair. I was proud
of how my hair looked and couldn't believe what would ever
possess me to think about cutting it. I liked my hair long.

I made my way down the hall where I could smell fresh
coffee being brewed. Mrs. Anderson was reading her paper
and sipping on her coffee, it was early but I didn't mind.
I felt her watching me as I slowly walked to the coffee
pot. Why was she so interested in my movements about the
kitchen? Go figure... she was such an odd woman.

I began to pour myself a cup when Josh came walking in
dressed smartly in his suit. I handed him the cup I had
already poured and got down another one for myself. He
smiled and began to sip the dark liquid. "Thanks Aaron." I
reached up and straightened his tie and began to pick small
pieces of lint from his sleeve.

He stood there smiling at me and I quickly dropped my hands
to my side where I could rest them on my hips. "Uh... you
had something on your sleeve." I apologized.

"Isn't that sweet... if I didn't know better I would think
you two were some old married couple. Come on over here and
give your mother a kiss." Mrs. Anderson kidded Josh.

I smiled and sat down at the table pulling out a section of
the newspaper to read. As I looked down a lock of my hair
fell off my shoulder and onto the paper. Casually, I lifted
it out of my way and tucked it behind my ear like nothing
really happened. I had read almost half of a paragraph when
I realized what I had just done and hoped nobody was

I was wrong. Josh sat there smiling at me and it made me
laugh. He took another sip without taking his eyes off me,
"Are we still on for that little training session later
today? I figure, if I can teach you to play... then I won't
have to go at it alone." I wasn't sure if he was talking
about tennis or his choice in lifestyles, it worried me.

"If we're talking about tennis... then yes you can teach
me." I answered in the only way I could.

I had a sudden chill as I sat there, even my thighs felt
cold as they came into contact with each other... that cold
ran all the way to my knee.

"What other way would you be thinking dear?" Mrs. Anderson
answered for him.

I felt put on the spot, "Well... it's just... I thought you
might be... well, gay. I'm not like that, I really enjoy
the company of women!"

Mrs. Anderson glared at me for accusing her son of being
gay. Josh saved me by interceding before she did.

"No Aaron, I'm not gay at all. In fact, I very much desire
the company of a beautiful woman." That made me a bit
happier, though I didn't know why. "I could see nothing
better than to have a shapely form of a female around me...
I just need to be a bit choosy. That's probably the number
one reason I don't have a girl friend."

Mrs. Anderson shot a glance toward her son, then eased her
look when he denied being gay. She seemed pleased... which
for me, was understandable.

Josh laughed and leaned back on his chair and shook his
head, "I never intended for you to think I was gay... I
like a thin waist and generous curves as well as the next
guy. What ever gave you that impression?"

I shrugged my shoulders and looked down, "I'm sorry... I
didn't mean..."

"That's okay Aaron, I'm not mad at you. Believe me, the
girl I marry will have the figure of a supermodel... mark
my words." He smiled and slowly shook his head, "And you
thought I was gay... geesch!"

Almost as soon as he stopped speaking I felt a tightening
in my chest and sides that made me gasp for breath. Even my
thigh and calf muscles began to ache again. Josh noticed
this and quickly moved around the table to my side.

"What's wrong... you in pain again?

Between the gasps I nodded. Mrs. Anderson sat her cup down
casually, "What do you mean... again? Has this pain
happened before?"

Josh helped me up and over to the couch, "Yeah, last night
he was having pain in both legs... maybe we should have him
checked out at the hospital? I could get one of my buddies
to run some tests."

"Oh come now Josh, he'll be fine. It's probably growing
pains or something."

I shot her a glance as she spoke, there wasn't a look of
concern on her face at all. It was almost as though she
knew what was wrong and didn't want Josh to find out.

"Perhaps you're right." He looked directly at me, "Let me
know if anything else happens, if it does, maybe I'll have
to give you a physical."

Again I glanced at Mrs. Anderson who was beaming from ear
to ear... just what was she up to?

I heard Josh head out of the house and close the door, Mrs.
Anderson sat next to me and patted my hand. "How about you
resting here for a few minutes while I lay out some clothes
for you to wear... would that be okay, honey?" I nodded as
she patted me on the leg and quietly left the room.

I sat there trying to fight through the cramping I was
feeling. It was almost like having a total body Charlie
Horse... very intense. Slowly it began to subside and I
could breath again. I had realized that I pulled both legs
under me and was sitting like some girl in that chair. I
quickly sat my feet on the floor but even though I knew
sitting the way I was with my knees together, was wrong...
but somehow it felt... right.

I noticed that my legs didn't look right, almost as if I
had suddenly dropped weight. They appeared thinner from
thigh to calf. I jumped as I felt a soft hand touch my arm,
as I turned Mrs. Anderson had returned and was talking to

"It will be over soon dear, really it will. Now you need to
get moving so we can get you dressed." I wondered what she
meant by that little statement?

She grabbed my hand and pulled me along into the bedroom
where an outfit was already laying on the bed, "It was the
only thing that I could find that would fit you, dear."

I cringed at what I was seeing.

"I know you are probably wanting your regular clothes but
I'm having them cleaned and you will just have to wear what
I have laid out. It was the closest thing to your size that
I could find, you would just swim in Josh's things." I
couldn't believe what I was hearing.

She handed me a pair of jean shorts, they almost looked
like a girl's but I wasn't sure. I pulled them up and
buttoned it over the peach colored boxers that I had slept

"Where did these come from?" I asked. "They look a bit
feminine to me..."

"I'm sorry Aaron, it's the best I could do... they're
mine... but it is the closest thing that I could find that
would fit... at least they aren't pink."

She was right... it could be worse. Just then she hit me on
the head with another article of clothing, "Here, put this
on too!" I began to remove the shirt that I was wearing but
she stopped my hand, "Leave it on, the material of this
other shirt is scratchy and you should have something soft
on under it." I shrugged and did as she said.

She gave me a pair of shoes and dropped a white item all
rolled up on top of them. When I unrolled it, a sock fell
to the floor that matched the one still left in my hand.
They were really small and didn't even go past my ankle,
the shoes fit fine but I had never really worn a completely
white shoe before. Mine usually had some type of logo or
decoration on them.

As I finished tying my shoes she was handing me something,
when I took it from her it was what appeared like a blue
material sewn around an elastic band. I held it and tested
its elasticity.

"What's this for?"

"Your hair, we have a lot of work to do today and I don't
want your hair flying all over the place." She waited for
me to do something, but when I didn't she took it back.
"Oh, for Pete's sake... turn around!" She commanded.

I reluctantly turned as she fidgeted with my hair, pulling
it... then letting it fall. I couldn't help feeling that
this was really embarrassing having her mess with my hair
like she was my mom or something. After awhile she stopped
and seemed satisfied with her effort.

"There, now leave it alone."

With one hand I reached back and felt the bun she had
placed my hair into. I felt like a ninja with my hair
pulled as tight as it was.

She backed away from me and smiled, "You are quite lovely,
you know."

I wasn't sure if I should be mad at her or not, "Uh...
thanks... I guess."

"Oh, don't be too modest dear." She took me by my shoulder
and turned me around, and then back toward her. "Even with
those boy cut shorts of mine... you have spectacular
looking legs..."

"For a guy... right?" I added.

"Or a girl..." She giggled. I groaned as she pulled me out
of the room.

We headed back out and into the kitchen where she had a
list of chores for us to do. I kept busy for most of the
day and it seemed that the only time we sat was when we ate
lunch. She seemed pretty impressed that I was able to keep
up with her... but truthfully, it wasn't the first time
that I helped clean a house before.

"You're quite the natural little housewife..." She
kidded... or at least I hoped she was kidding.

"Why are we doing all of the cleaning?" I asked as I
brushed a loose hair away from my face, ending up tucking
it behind my ear. "I thought you had people that did this
for you?"

"Usually I do, but I gave them the day away... besides it
gives us a bit of time to bond." I was so unsure of this
woman... one minute she was talking crazy, then the next
she seemed so pleasant.

To myself I thought, "Maybe it's a tumor."

I heard her laugh softly to herself while her back faced me
as she put away dishes. She was really creeping me out. Her
laugh became louder.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"Oh... nothing. You wouldn't understand." She smiled and
giggled softly to herself.

Finally, as the four o'clock hour approached we began to
cook supper, by five, it was on the table and we were
waiting for Josh to pull in. I couldn't really explain why
I did it, but I kept going to the window and watching for
him, it was bothering me that Mrs. Anderson seemed pleased
that I had taken some sort of interest in Josh's return.
The strangest thing was the feeling of excitement I
received when I saw his car pull into the drive... It
almost embarrassed me that I was so eager to see him.

As he walked in I took his jacket from him and gently laid
it on the back of the sofa. He smiled and sat down his case
next to his jacket. We both walked over to the table, Josh
held his mother's chair for her as she sat down. I felt a
bit of jealousy as he did that, but for the life of me I
didn't know why.

Mrs. Anderson gave me a smile and then turned toward Josh,
"Aaron was a really big help around here today, he even
helped me cook supper!" Josh seemed impressed... that made
me smile.

He took a moment to look me over, I had a deep and hopeful
feeling that he would be satisfied. His gaze went down to
my legs and then back up again.

"Glad to see you're feeling better Aaron. I am wondering
one thing, though... have your legs always been so thin?"

I looked down at them, they did seem a bit on the thin
side... almost effeminate, but I just shrugged my
shoulders. "Maybe I have lost a little weight."

"At least you can say one thing about them, they are very
attractive legs." Mrs. Anderson chimed in.

"Well, they're the only ones that I have at the moment." I
tried to hide the insult I was feeling with a joke.

Josh waited until we were all ready and then began to pass
the items around the table. Mrs. Anderson handed me a bowl
of tomato slices, "Here dear, have a tomato."

Josh pointed at the bowl, "The Indians didn't want to eat
those... they called them 'poison love apples'. They felt
that by eating those you would fall in love with someone...
or some such nonsense like that."

Mrs. Anderson still held the bowl waiting on me, "It's
getting heavy, dear... take some." I obliged and placed two
slices on my plate.

As I cut them and ate, Josh laughed. "Now you've gone and
done it." I looked up and smiled, "You're going to be
falling into love real soon."

Mrs. Anderson laughed and handed the bowl to Josh, "Maybe
you should be eating them since you're the one looking for
the girl?"

"Maybe I should."

Josh stabbed his fork into one and stuffed it straight into
his mouth and grinning like some 14 year old kid. He
continued to smile as he looked my way, then his smile
slowly left his face.

"My God Mom... I think I'm in love."

He started laughing but I didn't think it was very funny.

He could see that I wasn't happy with his last attempt at
humor so he must have decided to change the subject, "The
food is terrific! You two really went all out... and all
for me no less." He nodded as he munched at each of his
favorite items placed around his plate.

Josh looked at his mother, "Did Aaron tell you that I was
going to teach him to play tennis?" Mrs. Anderson shook her
head smiling, "Yeah, at least I'll have a partner when I
feel like playing?"

Under her breath Mrs. Anderson mumbled, "In more ways than

I caught something that she had said but Josh was the one
who asked, "What did you just say, Mom?"

She cleared her throat and smiled, "I just said that it
sounds like fun! You two should really get to know each
other... I'd bet you'd be surprised on just what you and
Aaron have in common." Her smile underlined the fact that
she was up to something.

After our strange exchange before supper, our conversations
settled down to idle chitchat. As supper slowly ended I was
surprised when Mrs. Anderson told us to go on and play our
game and that she would clean up. Josh quickly stood up and
motioned for me to follow.

"Hurry up before she changes her mind!" He laughed as he
almost pushed me out the kitchen. "Head on down to the
court and I'll meet up with you as soon as I change out of
this suit.

"Will what I'm wearing be okay?" I wasn't sure exactly what
you wear while playing tennis.

"You're fine, if you check on the garage wall, you'll find
an extra tennis racket. Go on out and hit a few while
you're waiting on me, I'll just be a few minutes." He
turned and headed into his bedroom while I went towards the

I found the tennis racket and walked on down to the court,
after only a moment I had figured out how to turn on the
pitching machine and started smacking the balls back... I
didn't miss more than I hit so at least I wasn't totally
inept. When I looked up, Josh was stepping onto the court.

"I'll stop the machine and we can smack a few back and
forth... I want to see your swing and footwork."

He served the first one to me and I missed it horribly,
which caused him to laugh. The second one I caught with the
top of the racket and sent it high into the air... falling
harmlessly on my side. The third one I was actually able to
return. We kept hitting and returning the ball for almost
10 or 20 minutes when he finally caught the ball and ran
toward the net.

"Not bad Aaron, but I think we need to work on your
return... you seem to be swinging like a girl."

I felt offended but said nothing, he began to show me how I
should stand and move to attack the ball. I had to admit
that it was fun, but after around 2 hours of his coaching I
was spent. I don't think I had gotten any better but at
least I was able to return his serve. We finally decided to
call it quits and headed over to the bench. He tossed me a
towel and I wiped the perspiration from my face and neck.
When I looked up, he had pulled his shirt off and was
wiping down his chest.

I smiled, then quickly frowned when I had realized that I
had been smiling at him, "Your Mom says you take your shirt
off to try and impress people..."

He sat down and placed the towel around his neck, "Yeah...
she WOULD say that." He rolled his eyes and shook his head.
I sat down beside him and using the towel that he had
thrown to me, wiped the sweat running down my arms. He
laughed aloud and asked, "So... are you?"

"Are I... what?" I answered his question with a question.

"Are you impressed?" He laughed again. "If you aren't, you
should be." He kidded flexing his biceps.

I had a sudden wave of admiration wash over me as I sat
there... he was right, he did have a great build. I let my
eyes drift over his godlike features and drink in the sight
of the glistening perspiration that dappled his chiseled

The dream of me touching his bare chest flashed into my
mind and I quickly stood up and tried to think of anything
else. He got up and picked the ball from the ground. I let
out a soft sigh as I watched his muscles flex in his back
and legs as he walked... I even found myself checking out
his bottom as he walked away.

"What the hell am I doing?" I whispered to myself, then
worried that maybe I was the one that was really gay. But
my eyes kept riveted to his muscular derriere as it
confidently moved away.

He stopped at the gate and held the door while he waited
for me. As I passed he smiled, "You did pretty good for a
first timer... I can see that we'll need a few more lessons

"Oh, I thought I did pretty well there towards the end." I
didn't know what he expected from me so I asked, "Just what
do I still need to work on?"

He laughed and mocked my swing, "Just this... you're still
swinging like a girl, it even got worse the more you
played." He made another swipe at the air.

"That isn't how it hit the ball... this is how I swing!" I
took a swipe at the air.

"That's exactly what I mean... you don't even realize that
you're doing that... do you?" I replayed my swing in my
mind... he was right, I was swinging the racket like a
girl. "You even move around on the court like a girl..." He
laughed a he mocked me, "Maybe the next time you could wear
one of Mom's tennis skirts when we play."

I stormed off into the trees and sulked, it was only a
moment before I noticed he was behind me. "Hey... Aaron...
I was only teasing."

I could feel him move behind me and to the right, he stood
there for a minute or two in silence. I was upset but I
couldn't explain why, I had never let anything some dumb
boy ever said bother me before... why now? He cleared his
throat and took a step closer.

"Are you crying?" He asked softly, "Damn, Aaron... I didn't
mean to make you cry."

I realized that I was indeed crying and wiped my eyes with
my shirt, "Here, use this." He handed me his hankie. "It's
clean." He said in an attempt to make me smile.

I took it and dabbed at my eyes, "It's just so confusing to
me... I really don't know why I'm crying.

I felt his hand on my shoulder, "Come on out of the
weeds... and talk to me." I took the hand he offered and
stepped back into the walking path. "Now tell me what's the
matter with you."

I shrugged my shoulder, "I'm just so mixed up... and
confused." He pulled me in and let me cry on his shoulder.

"Come on... let me buy you ice cream or something. Would
you like that?" I nodded and finished wiping my eyes then
handed him back his hanky. "Great... then it's a date,
besides... it will help us cool down."

I know he said more but the word "date" stuck in my head, I
really don't know what significance it would have but
apparently it was important. A little pang of excitement
jumped into my heart... "A date!" I whispered.

As we started heading back up to the house I was lost in my
thoughts, especially trying to explain my excitement to the
word "date". What did that have to do with anything? I
wasn't interested in Josh. I wasn't sure what to think at
the moment when Josh stopped and watched me.

"Where you going?"

I looked around, "You said that we would going to get
something to cool down... didn't you?" I was confused.

"Well... yeah, so why are you headed into the house!" He
pointed back to the garage and motioned for me to follow

"I want to freshen up a bit, I smell sweaty!" I continued
on, "I'll meet you back at the garage as soon as I'm
cleaned up."

He threw his hands into the air, "Aaron... no offense, but
you're worse than a girl!"

"I'll hurry!" I said, ignoring his comment.

I ran into the house and quickly met up with Mrs. Anderson,
"Where are you headed so fast?"

I pulled up short and began to walk towards the bedroom,
"Josh invited me to get an Ice Cream... I want to change
out of these smelly clothes."

If I had been noticing, I would have seen a wry smile cross
Mrs. Anderson's face. "Let me help you pick something out."

"That's okay, I can handle it." I closed the door behind

I found another peach colored tank top like the one I had
on lying on the bed, I went ahead and put it on without
really paying attention to my surroundings. Beside it was a
blue button down shirt, which too was placed on and
buttoned up. I did some quick searching and found a drawer
with some blue jean shorts, selected one and quickly
buttoned it up.

I looked into the mirror as I brushed out my hair, my eyes
slowly wandering along my slight frame. I shook my head in
frustration recalling how much heavier I had been only a
few short weeks ago. Now... ever since...

 "When DID I start losing weight?" I asked my reflection.

I laughed at myself and continued to brush out my hair,
looking at the ridiculous way these jean shorts hung on my
body. My waist had trimmed down to almost girlish
proportions, then flaring out to wider looking hips. Then,
if that wasn't bad enough... I had lost so much weight in
my thighs and calves, they didn't even appear that they
could support my body. It almost embarrassed me to see just
how full the seat of these shorts looked... heavier on the
bottom and tapered as they came up the waist. I shook my

"I look like a freaking girl." I sighed. "The one good
thing I can see about this, at least Josh isn't ashamed to
hang out with me."

I laid down the brush and started to walk out of the
bedroom. Mrs. Anderson was standing in the hallway almost
as if she was waiting on me to come out.

"I have something for you." In her hand she had another of
those stretchy blue things. "Here, turn around... let me
help you do this!" I did as she said and stood patiently as
she finished.

"There... you and Josh have fun on your little date." Mrs.
Anderson patted my back.

"It's not a date!" I said as I stopped and felt my hair
where she was working on it, it was pulled into a tight
bun. It seemed a bit bigger than it had last night... but
it was probably not pulled as tight as that one.

"Oh, you know very well what I mean." She playfully swatted
at my bottom as I stepped out of the way.

I left her standing in the living room smiling as I pulled
the door closed, heading back to the garage where Josh was
waiting on me. As I neared the building, he was pushing a
shiny Harley out into the sun.

"We're taking the motorcycle... hope that you don't mind."
Again my dream flashed into my mind. "Here, put this on..."
He tossed me a helmet.

I pulled it down onto my head, working it past the bun that
Mrs. Anderson placed into my hair. It was uncomfortable but
I would survive. He sat down on the big Harley and started
it up.

"Come on... climb up."

I placed my foot where he was pointing and swung my leg

In only a moment we were speeding out the lane and onto the
street, heading wherever he wanted to take us. We pulled
onto Main Street and headed right toward the local

"I'll show you where all the good looking girl's are at."
He shouted over his shoulder above the pounding motor.

He slowed down as we rolled past all of the beautiful girls
moving about the campus, the cycle thundered along beside a
lovely girl riding her bike. She had very short shorts on
with no hem, the fringe and strings hung against her dark
tan, her legs were absent of any hair whatsoever. The light
reflected softly from her silky skin. Josh slowly turned
his head and watched her more while we passed. I can't
explain what I was thinking at that moment, but I felt...
sort of... jealous.

The cool wind brushed across my thigh as we sped on through
the campus and headed to the ice cream stand. After we
pulled in and stopped, he held the Harley until I could
climb off and step away. He pulled his helmet off and
propped it on the handlebar and waited for me to remove
mine. As I did, my hair became un-gathered and fell all
around my shoulders.

Josh just stood there looking at me, "Wow... Aaron... I...
uh..." He was struggling for words to say.


I looked down and saw the elastic that Mrs. Anderson had
put into my hair laying by my foot. I picked it up and
quickly handed the helmet to Josh, as soon as he took it
from me I began to "fix" my hair. Since I really didn't
know what to do with it, I ended up putting it into a loose

He kept staring at me as we walked toward the door to the
restaurant, it was making me feel uncomfortable... and
yet... excited. I couldn't explain exactly what I was

He motioned for me to slide into the booth, then he sat on
the opposite side. As my legs came into contact with the
cold fiberglass seats I jumped and pulled at the leg of my
shorts. At the point I grabbed, all I came into contact
with was my leg... higher and higher my hand slid until I
finally found the frayed edge and gave it a tug. It would
lower no more. That was impossible, the shorts I had been
wearing were much longer and had a hem... these had none.

I leaned back and looked down at them, they looked exactly
like the ones the girl riding the bike was wearing, the
girl that Josh was fascinated with when he was checking out
her legs. I quickly looked at mine as well.

"Oh... my God!"

My breath escaped in a whisper. My legs were now entirely
void of hair of any sort, they were as smooth as silk. My
legs were thin before but without hair... and these
shorts... they looked absolutely feminine.

"What the hell is going on?" I whispered out loud.

"What's wrong?" He whispered.

"Something's happened..." I whispered.

"Like what? Why are we whispering anyway?" He asked in a
whisper trying to be funny.

"My legs... look at my legs." My breath came out in a soft
gasp, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. "What caused

He whistled and ran his hand along my calf, "Wow, Aaron...
when did you start shaving your legs?" His delicate touch
made my heart jump.

"I don't shave my legs!" I shot back, "Something you did
caused this to happen!" I shoved his hand away from my
silky leg.

"How the hell could I have done that without you noticing?"
He allowed his hand to run along my thigh towards my knee.
"I don't think I have EVER felt a leg this smooth and
silky... how'd you do it?" I shoved his hand off again, it
was making me feel... strange.

I sat back and shot him an exasperated look, "I'm telling
you... I didn't do anything!" Standing up I pointed to the
very short shorts that I was now wearing.

"Those look just like the ones that girl was wearing that
we had passed." He started to reach out and touch them but
I slapped his hand away. "I've got to get out of here...
please take me home!" I began to pace.

"There's got to be a logical explanation for it...
unless..." Josh stared out the window.

I leaned against the table, "You're probably the reason
this is happening to me, its got to be something you're
doing... earlier when you were showing me how to hit the
ball you said that I was hitting like a girl... by the end,
I WAS hitting like a girl!"

Josh looked over his shoulder to see if anyone was
listening in on our conversation. "Well... that's because
you WERE hitting like a girl!"

"Yesterday you said that I had long sexy eye lashes and
pretty eyes... have you looked at them recently? They look
just like a girl's!" I sat down with a thud and put my head

His eyes got bigger, "Oh, shit... when we were talking last
night I said that I wanted a girl with long legs." He
looked under the table, "You have long legs!" He whistled,
as his gaze lingered a bit longer than I felt was
necessary... "Damn sexy too!"

"That would explain how I could grow 2 inches last night...
I thought someone was moving the picture in the bathroom."

He looked like a frightened rabbit, "I said that I wanted a
woman with long hair and it to be a bit curly at the
ends... Aaron, take that thing out of your hair." I did and
let the hair cascade down toward my chest.

"Your hair is EXACTLY how I picture my fantasy girl's to
be." His face became suddenly ashen, "Last night, when we
were watching TV... I pointed out a girl with big dark
areolas... have you..."

I remembered him saying something about that, "You said
something about big nipples, didn't you?" He nodded slowly
and pointed toward my chest.

I pulled out the top of my shirt and moved aside the tank
top that I found laying on the bed... sure enough, they
were there. "Oh... damn, exactly like the girl on TV had!"

"Let me see..." Josh leaned forward and I shoved him back
before he could get a chance to really look. A thought
raced through my head, "A girl MUST be a bit modest and
never let a boy see her breasts on the first date."

That fleeting thought made me shudder as my face reddened
brightly. I had to control these strange thoughts I was
beginning to have around Josh.

He sat back and motioned for me to think of something,
"Okay... I'll do it first, I'm thinking about red hair..."
We waited, I looked at him and he shook his head, meaning
that nothing had happened.

"Well... I guess you should try... But, don't be stupid!" I

"Okay... lets see... I would like a girl with..." I watched
him as we waited, slowly his eyes went wider and wider.
"You're going to kill me...!" I began to look around at
myself feverishly.

"What... what! What did you think of?" I started to stand
up and panic.

He sat me down and said very quietly so no one could hear,
"Look down... at your chest."

I glanced downward, "Shit! What the hell were you thinking!
I said DON'T be stupid!"

"I'm sorry Aaron... but, at least I know now who is behind
all of these changes you're going through!" He smiled.

"I don't see any reason to smile... just look at me!" I sat
there holding the round fleshy mounds perched upon my
chest. "Now I DO look like a freaking girl!"

"Actually, you look a bit older than a girl..." I glared
back at him and he let his voice trail away.

"If you aren't doing this... then who the hell is?" I

He thought for a moment, "Let me try something just to make

"Don't you dare!"

But I was too late. Slowly the tank top that I had been
wearing under my shirt began to ride upwards toward my
chest. I could feel the straps thinning upon my shoulders.
I pulled out my shirt and stared in disbelief.

"You gave me a freaking bra!"

"I was just thinking... of a bra... I saw it just appear."
I looked down under my shirt, "One second it wasn't
there... the next it was." My hand trembled as I pulled the
shirt away to reveal the silky lace confection.

"Stop thinking!" I yelled.

I leaned back in the chair as I felt I was about to pass
out, once I saw the twin mounds thrust out, I quickly
covered them with my arms.

"Well, I hope you're satisfied with your hunch... now who
the hell is doing this to me?" It came out more like
pleading this time.

"It's got to be Mom doing this to you!" He sounded pretty
sure about it.

"Bull... then, you're saying your Mom's a witch?" I didn't
believe him at all.

"I've seen it one other time... she calls it a linking
spell. She places the spell on one person to receive the
changes, then on the other is placed the activator spell.
Together they link themselves so that when one thing is
wished... it actually happens to the other one.

"You're full of it!" I shook my head causing the long hair
to gently sway across my medium sized but pert breasts.

"Look at you're hands, now do you believe me?" I looked
down at my long sculptured nails, which begin to lengthen
and extend beyond my fingertips and stop at almost a half

"Damn it... quit doing that!" I yelled. "Your mother said
something about you molding me into your perfect mate... I
thought she was crazy!" I trembled as I watched my nails
suddenly glaze over into a soft pink.

"Please stop thinking... before you do something I'll
regret!" I started for the exit door and he quickly
followed. "Let's get home as quick as possible Josh... I
think your Mother is behind all of this."

As I reached for the door I happened to glance into the
reflection of the window, "My God... I have blonde hair." I
ran my hands through the long and feathery hair, "It's so
completely blonde, even at the root level." I quickly
turned and faced him.

"Quit doing that!" I shouted.

"Calm down Aaron, It's done by thinking... that's all it
needs to start."

"Well quit thinking!" I began to shake.

I practically ran to his Motorcycle and lifted the helmet
to my head, trapping my long and feminine looking hair
down. "If your Mother's behind this... I'm going to kill

"You won't have to... I'll have already done it!" He pulled
his own on, "What I don't get is why would she be doing any
of this to you?" He climbed onto his Harley, "I thought she
liked you?" He started the heavy motorcycle.

"I thought she did too! But I think she's so determined to
find that perfect girl for you... she decided to create
one. The one she found most in common with you... ME!" I
slid my silky leg across the seat and held on. He glanced
down toward my leg and slowly shook his head.

He didn't even wait for me to hang on and I ended up
grabbing him around his waist. I felt kind of stupid doing
that, but Josh didn't seem to mind. I wasn't even paying
attention as we drove along the same path home, when we
pulled onto the street with the University, I had such a
feeling of dread that I felt I could cry. He did fairly
well for the most part and for that I was thankful... until
I happened to look around.

There were four lovely young girls walking along the street
toward us and as we passed one of them shouted to Josh.
"Come on back honey, give me a ride!"

Her voice was sweet and very feminine. I could instantly
feel my voice changing.

We were stopped by the traffic light again and I cringed as
two girls crossed the street just in front of us. He only
glanced down at the one girl's feet, she was wearing an
open toed sandal that showed off her beautiful legs. Almost
as fast as I could groan, I was wearing the same sandals as
both my tennis shoes and socks transformed.

The other girl had almost the same shade of blonde hair as
I did now, only she had these long graceful earrings, which
adorned both ears, and high arched sculptured eyebrows.
Each earring swung daintily from my ears almost as soon as
he spied them.

"Stop looking and just drive this thing home." I shouted in
his ear. He turned his head slightly and smiled... I knew
what he was thinking... it was my voice.

He quickly turned away from the University to take us as
far from the pretty girls as he could, I was grateful. As
we sped along he quickly turned down another side street
that would put us on a more direct path toward his grand
home. As we drove on the almost deserted street we passed a
young couple necking behind a tree, they were trying to
keep the bushes and trees between them and their families
picnicking at one of the houses.

As we rolled past they were kissing with deep passion and
she had her hand planted firmly on his crotch trying to
arouse his manhood. I had hoped that he didn't notice... it
didn't seem that he had, as his head never turned. I was
thankful that I got away with one, then my hand came into
contact with his zipper.

"Oh... my... God! Please tell me you didn't..." Suddenly I
found my head resting along his back softly kissing his
neck. "You have GOT to stop thinking, or by the time we get
home I won't have any of the old me left."

I shuddered with a strange excitement as I felt his manhood
rise. Quickly I pulled my hand away and leaned back. I was
going to fight this thing... if it killed me!

We were only about three blocks from his home, and we
rolled past two young girls around 12 or 13 acting silly
and giggling as they walked along. I didn't really notice
anything strange happening so, I figured that it would only
work with girls that he was attracted to. We rolled up the
lane and into the garage where he finally shut the bike
off. He climbed off the Harley he offered me his hand to
help me down... I tried to resist but felt compelled to
take his hand again.

I was so embarrassed, I left here for the most part a young
16 year old boy... I came back looking like some 18 year
old girl. I again tried to pull my shorts down to an
respectable level, "Dang Josh, these are short."

He couldn't help but look at me as he made an attempt of
hanging his helmet on the handlebar, missed horribly and
almost dropping it. When he tried to recover from his
blunder, he ended up only catching part of it and actually
threw it towards his workbench. It hit the wall and knocked
down about a half dozen tools from their hooks. The sound
of the thing made me jump, but the look on his face was a
mixture of embarrassment and amusement that I ended up

The light and airy sound that escaped from my mouth was
strangely familiar, I quickly recalled the sound of those
two young girls giggling when we past them. I slapped his
arm, trying to inflict bodily injury... he just laughed and
grabbed my tiny wrist.

We stood there staring at each other for what seemed like a
long period of time, I felt an urge building up inside of
me and I knew full well what he was thinking. I tried to
resist but the linking spell on me was too powerful, I
moved a step closer to him.

"Please Josh... don't..."

I never finished my sentence as he pulled me into a kiss. I
fought against him for a very brief moment then stopped
struggling, I slowly snaked my arms around his strong back
and pulled him tighter.

My heart was racing, as I was now feeling an excitement
that I had never experienced before. I felt his hands
slowly glide toward my round bottom as he began to squeeze
each cheek and pull me into him even more deeply. I was
helpless in his embrace, as the magic that his mother used
on us was too powerful.

He let one cheek go and slowly began to raise my leg toward
him, gently sliding his hand along the back of my thigh.
His powerful hands gliding toward my knee, stroking the
silky surface of my soft skin. His tongue slowly parted my
glistening lips as my mind began its last supreme effort to
fight against the magic of his mother.

As his tongue fought mine for control, I felt his hand
tenderly touch one of my newly blossomed breasts. Slowly at
first he caressed it, then in a fit of unbridled passion he
began to massage each one with erotic pleasure. My nipples
responded as if I had been born into this body all of my
life, each one swelled and extended... pushing out the soft
material of my shirt.

He looked quickly away and faced a poster hanging on the
garage wall, the poster for Snap-On tools showed a girl
that was dressed in a very slinky and sexy outfit. She was
trying to seduce the viewer with her lustful gaze, almost
instantly my clothes began shifting into a shimmering white
silk and lace confection she had on in the picture.

I now looked like I was wearing some kind of lacy white
honeymoon lingerie intended to set a husband into wild fits
of passion, and it was working... on Josh. He held my chin
and leaned into a kiss as I surprised myself by not trying
to get away.

"My God... you are so beautiful!"

I couldn't even open my eyes as his tender kisses began to
work down my neck and onto my exposed shoulder. Small
trembling gasps escaped my lip as I sought to gain control
of my actions. I placed a slender hand against Josh's chest
and gently pushed him away.

"Please Josh... fight it! My very existence depends on it!"

I tried not looking, but the huge bulge in his pants showed
me that his mother's magic was working strong on him as

Once he moved away he realized what had happened and he
mouthed the words, "I'm sorry!"

Fear of staying near him gripped at me, I knew that if I
stayed... the Aaron we both had known would be gone
forever. I had to get away from him! I could hear him
running behind me, which spurred me along faster.

I threw the door open and ran as fast as my bare feet would
take me, both of my new breasts swaying suggestively with
each step. I realized that more than my breasts had gone
through some kind of transformation, I felt my own movement
mirror that of a girl... my running stride had changed as
well. I began to cry as I raced toward the house and threw
open the door. I knew that I must find a place where I
could escape his thoughts. I pulled up short in the living
room where Mrs. Anderson stood waiting.

"Welcome Erin, so nice of you to drop in."

In the soft and feminine voice I answered her, "You... you
did this to me didn't you?"

She smiled as Josh stepped into the room, "Hi Josh, let me
introduce you to your future bride... Erin." She swept her
hand in my direction.

"Don't listen to her Josh, she's out of her mind!" I

"Come now Josh, would you doubt your mother?" Her look
pierced deep into my very soul.

"Mom... you can't do this to him. Please change him back."
Josh begged.

"I can't change him back Josh, only you can... if you
really want to that is?" She smiled a wicked smile. "Look
at him Josh, he makes a very lovely woman doesn't he?"

I glared at her, "I'll never be a woman!" She looked at me
surprised at my outburst.

She straightened up and smiled, "You are right dear Erin,
you will NEVER be a TRUE woman without that one little

"Don't..." I held my tiny hand out at her as if I was
trying to stop her from saying.

Mrs. Anderson laughed and folded her arms, "I believe I
don't have to say anything anyway... Erin dear." She let a
little laugh escape from her lips.

I quickly glanced toward Josh, he quickly looked away, "I'm
sorry Aaron, when she said it... I..." He sadly shook his

I looked down toward my stomach where it maintained the
flatness all the way toward my crotch. I had lost... I knew
it. Mrs. Anderson, laughed, "It really isn't that bad
honey, you'll get used to it." I felt as if my entire
existence deflated at that very moment.

"Only we must make your union legal."

I felt a slight tingle on my left hand and watched as a
diamond and a band of gold slowly appeared on my ring
finger. Involuntarily, I held my hand out watching the
beautifully cut diamond sparkle in the light.

"Now you are a completely legal couple, you will began to
produce grandchildren for me!"

I listened in horror as she expected us to couple in the
way of husband and wife. I tried to say something but my
voice choked with emotion, Josh stood there facing his
mother defiantly.

"Mom... this is Aaron, our friend. I can't..." He began to
plead with his mother.

"Nonsense!" She spat back, "If you don't feel for the woman
you yourself created, I will MAKE you feel for each other!"
She waived her hand and I felt a shiver course through my
body. "I WANT grandchildren... and you... WANT each
other... NOW!"

"No!" I found my voice, no matter how feminine it sounded,
I became determined to resist her. "You can't control me!
What makes you think I would even be interested in Josh." I
started to back away from both of them.

"You have so many things in common with Josh, It was the
easiest path to creating his lifemate. The magic insists on
finding a host form that is as close as possible to the
ideal mate."

"But I'm a guy for crying out loud..." My slim hand gently
touched my breast as I indicated myself to her.

"Not any more... just look at yourself Erin, you are quite
lovely!" She smiled approvingly.

She turned toward Josh who shook briefly as if he had just
gotten a cold chill, A look of shock crossed his face as he
took a step toward me... as if he had no control of his
own. I could see fear grip his eyes as he struggled against
his mothers spell.

"Mom... please stop this!" I could see he was in no more
control of himself than I was. With each step toward me
that he took... I took one back. "Mom... why Aaron and not
a REAL girl?" He shouted at his mother.

She stepped between us, and Josh's advanced stopped, "Why
Aaron... well... why not Erin?"

"That 16 year old boy that you once knew is gone... in his
place stands Erin, a very beautiful creature close to your
own age. Stop fighting me and just enjoy her company." I
couldn't believe that she would do this to her own son.

"But you are ruining his life, Mom! He didn't want this...
you just threw it on him!" Josh glared at his mother who
was smiling. "Mom I don't want it either... it's just

She looked sternly at him and said, "You two have always
been friends, since day one..." Then she turned toward me,
"You even said that it was too bad that you weren't born
female... you remember that don't you. Well... Erin, you
ARE female and there is nothing you can do about that fact

"I have my pride and my honor you know... I won't let you
do this to me!" Tears began to roll down my cheeks as I
could realize for the first time the hopelessness of my

Her face softened and she waived her hand into the air
gently, "I will help your mind become more adjusted to the
female way of thinking... it will help you understand what
it is to be a woman."

I tried to turn and run but her spell held me in place.
Slowly I began to feel differently as I looked at Josh, but
there was enough of the old me to know that I should fear
what he could do to me.

"I... can't do this! I... will fight it too the death in

"Fight me all you want, dears... the more you fight, the
more it will overwhelm you!" She laughed. "Just give in...
let love take over!" She walked toward the door, "I think
I'll leave you two love birds alone... I trust you will be
awhile." She giggled as she pulled the door closed behind

I kept backing away as Josh advanced, "I'm sorry Aar...
Aa... Erin, but you ARE beautiful!"

He stepped around the chair I was keeping between us. Still
I backed away, knowing that with each step closer he took
brought us closer to the sexual arousal that I was most
afraid of.

"Josh, please fight it... she's wrong... we can't love each
other! We're both guys!" I looked down at his pants
straining under the pressure of his penis. "My... God Josh,
you are becoming aroused!"

Fear, and fascination pushed me further away... I now had
more to protect than my modesty.

His hand lowered to his pants and he quickly pushed his
shorts to the ground, "I'm trying to fight it Erin...
Mother's magic is just too powerful for me. Visions of you
lying under me keep filling my mind... I can't fight much
more!" My eyes grew wider as his tool slowly began to inch
its way upward

"How can I fight both you AND your mother's magic?" I said
touching the couch, "Wait a minute... aren't women supposed
to have a greater willpower then men... I can do this! I
can keep from having sex with you!"

A feeling like fire sweeping across the Great Plaines
engulfed me, my breathing was becoming more labored.

"Oh... God, I am starting to feel... different!"

He smiled as he watched the rise and fall of my breasts
while I was struggling with excitement of his arousal. The
magic that she had used was coursing through my veins, his
passion fueling the fire of my own.

His tool strained at the apex of its climb, my eyes were
riveted upon the organ I suddenly wanted more than
anything. He took one more hesitant step toward me.

"Fight it..." I softly pleaded sounding more sexy than

My foot tangled up with a rug lying on the floor and I fell
backward landing lengthways on the couch. Josh slowly ran
his hand along my silky thigh.

"I can't help myself any more Erin... I have to have you,
here and now!"

"No Josh... please!"

I pleaded, but when I stretched my hand in an effort to
stop him, my tiny hand brushed his firm and throbbing
manhood. Josh took my left leg and lowered it to the floor
then began to kiss my right knee that was bent and pointing
toward the ceiling. I gasped with pleasure as his kisses
slowly began to travel toward my hip.

"Oh... Josh..." My soft whisper was breathy and sensual.

Josh slowly entwined his fingers inside the lacy thong I
had on, it was pulled down my shapely legs. His kisses
began landing softly on my stomach. My hands found his hair
as I tried to pull him toward my waiting and eager lips.
Josh had other ideas as his kisses danced their way into
the light blonde pubic hair that now adorned my suddenly
eager vagina. Little twitches and shudders of pure passion
danced from his tender kisses straight into my moistened

As his soft and loving kisses fell, I felt my legs widen as
if of their own mind, I was a captive of this man's
passion. He rose up and peeled his shirt from his body, I
ran my hands across his firm chest and muscular stomach
with delight. Slowly my hand lowered and hesitated for a
moment, before taking his massive tool that nature held
suspended and swaying with each beat of his heart... over
my waiting body.

His eyes closed as I took it into my hand and gently raised
my head to kiss the tip, I marveled at the smooth and yet
impossibly stiff tool. The thought that I used to have one
of my own never crossed my mind, as he bent forward and
pushed me back onto the couch. Slowly he moved his hand up
and slid the thin strap from my shoulder and began to trace
little circles around my swollen nipple with his tongue. I
could feel my passion for this man slowly bubble toward the
surface of my being, his Mother's magic was too strong.
Tenderly, his sweet kisses slowly rose up my neck and began
to fondle my ear driving me into ecstasy. I raised my chin
toward him and his warm mouth came to rest at my eager
lips. I couldn't let this happen to me, yet I could do
absolutely nothing to stop him... nor did I want to.

He gently sucked my lower lip into his mouth and nursed at
it like a baby would his mother's nipple. I began to search
access into his mouth with my tongue, Josh quickly did the
same and we were soon locked in the very passionate embrace
of young lovers.

I could feel his throbbing member dancing at the entrance
of my slit, even though I knew better, I wanted him...
inside. Josh was more than happy to oblige, his huge and
powerful shaft slowly entered me and with short and
pleasurable thrusts he moved back and forth until he
penetrated my hymen with the full length of his shaft.

A small startled cry of pain escaped from my lips as he
began his assault on my virginity, each thrust of his hips
was met with one of my own. More and more my fight was lost
with each of his efforts until I was nothing more than the
sexual partner his mother had wished me to be.

From somewhere deep inside our minds we could hear his
mother's voice speaking to us, as she caressed our minds
with her love and blessings. "You will soon know a love
with each other that transcends all fears, hopes and joy.
For deep within you my son will plant his seed, until a
beautiful child will begin to form. Only then, will you
know the happiness of each other's love that moves beyond
the carnal passion you are feeling right now!"

As she spoke to our minds, we realized that we had regained
control and had stopped in our love making, but as her
words sank in, we also knew that with one simple movement
of either of us... I was doomed to the shell of this woman
I had become forever. Neither of us dared to move a muscle.

Sheer terror was painted across the face of Josh as he held
his stroke deep within my womb. I fought against a tear
that was starting to collect at the corner of my left eye
and then ultimately, ran toward my ear.

We were both in a fix and she knew it... Josh was buried
all the way in and I could feel his hot member resting
there, not losing any size or firmness. He didn't want this
to happen any more than I did, but we were there and SHE
had put her own son in this position... I couldn't believe
that she would do this to the both of us.

"Come on children, give in to your passion... you want each
other, it's your destiny!" I looked into Josh's eyes and
could see a determination there that was not going to let
his mother beat down. She continued, "My... my Josh, you
are strong in your willpower... but is your little
girlfriend as strong?"

Then to me she began to direct her little mind games, as
erotic images flashed within my head. "You want this more
than you realize Erin... you want Josh more than ever!"

I felt arousal beginning to build slowly in me but still I
maintained my fight. Then as if she spoke aloud I heard her
direct toward Josh.

"I have chosen wise for you Josh... she IS as strong willed
as you! It is hard for me to believe... your passion is at
its highest, you want each other and yet... still you fight
my magic. But, no matter... you will remain like this until
one of you gives into the lust you are feeling! My magic is
very powerful, it has been for centuries... but I need for
you to consummate this union as lovers, and not under the
magic spell that I have placed on you."

I could feel my tight slit firmly encasing his thick steel
like shaft as we continued to fight her in defiance. Slowly
Josh found his voice and pleaded with his mother again.

"Please Mom, I can't do this to Erin!" He sadly looked at
me and shook his head, "I don't know how much longer I can
hold out... the pressure that has built up there is
immense. I am almost on the verge of exploding and she is
holding me right at that point."

He noticed the tears flowing from my eyes as I cried,
"Please don't cry Erin, I'll make sure that you're taken
care of... no matter what!" Some comfort that would be if I
was left in this form.

"Please... just don't move your hips Josh! I don't want to
let her win!"

I began to feel a strange sensation rise out of my womb,
stronger and stronger it began to build until I could
almost contain it no more.

I wasn't sure what was happening but as she spoke to my
mind, she confirmed my suspicions.

"Yes my beautiful Erin, you are indeed close. That feeling
you are experiencing is a mind numbing orgasm that is
dancing right on the edge of your psyche... even if you
don't move, your own lust should push you over the edge.
You should know what it was like for you as a former man to
teeter on this edge, imagine what your handsome husband is
feeling right now."

"Come on Josh...  fight me no more."

Josh's face began to redden as he continued fighting the
pressure that was now at a breaking point for him. Slowly
his mother's voice faded away.

"You two are too strong for the finale of my magic spell...
I am impressed..."

We could both sense that she was moving away from control
of our minds... soon, she was gone, out of our minds

But with her gone it still didn't help our situation any,
we were still on the precipice of our explosive orgasms.

"I'm not completely sure, but... I think we just won... we
beat her! I'm positive we can hold out until our excitement
wears down."

"Yes... I'm sure we can... I think. But then what, I'm
still stuck as this fantasy girl of yours! Because of the
magic your mother has placed upon me... I don't think I can
ever live without you near me."

He lowered his head to mine and gently kissed my forehead
and then my lips. I drew him nearer as I slipped my slender
arms around his huge neck and pulled him into an even
deeper kiss as this time my own tongue was the aggressor.

Almost at that very moment we were struck by our extremely
mind blowing orgasms, I knew then that we had never been in
control... she was. His mother just wanted us to feel that
we had won. As was his wish, my soft voice began to rock
the room in a very erotic way as wave after wave began to
wash across my body. His back trembled and shook as he
spewed his seed into my waiting womb, filling me completely
with its miraculous spawn eagerly swimming toward the egg
that I knew was attached to my uterus.

I knew it... he knew it, and his mother would know it
now... I was pregnant.

Almost instantly, I began to become sleepy, I could feel
Josh's weight start to relax as he fought the same
exhaustion as I did. He rolled to one side and I scooted
toward him and cuddled next to his body, soaking up the
warmth. His strong arm draped over me and pulled me gently
against his powerful chest.

"I'm so sleepy." I whispered in my tiny feminine voice.

"Let's just rest a bit and then we'll figure out what we
should..." He never finished what he was saying as once
again the feeling that mother was there, pushed its way
into our minds.

"What has transpired between you two has always been, never
again will either of you be alone. When you awake, it will
seem as if time itself has passed... time for both your
child and your love to grow strong and unbending. Now, my
dear children... sleep peacefully."

The feeling we had, was slowly replaced with contentment
and peace.


The scheme I had been planning as I was interrupted by the
phone, I rolled just enough that I could pick up the
receiver. "Hello? Oh, Hi Mom." I mouthed the words to Josh
lying next to me, "It's your mother." He smiled and spooned
himself in behind me.

Her voice sounded sweetly on the other end, "Did you and
Josh have a chance to discuss my idea yet?"

"Yes we did, Mom... and we've decided to take you up on
your offer, we would love to move in with you."

Josh began to stroke the side of my breast causing my
nipples to swell in reaction.

"Great! I'll get with the painters and have them start
right away on your room and the baby's. I'm so happy that
you'll be moving in here with me, especially since this
house is so big and I am the only one living here." Mother
sounded excited.

"Don't be in too much a hurry to get the nursery done...
Josh and I want a bit of say in that! Besides Mom, we still
have about seven and a half months to go!" Josh's
persistence in the fondling of my breast was making me
moist down below.

I stopped his hand with my own, as I tried to maintain the
conversation I was having with my Mother-in-law. Josh
snickered and began to walk down my stomach with his two
fingers... he was almost making it impossible to speak
without giggling.

"Is Josh there?" My Mother-in-law asked.

"Oh... he's here all right!" as his little walking fingers
continued their way toward my crotch.

Josh was driving me out of my mind so I rolled onto my
back, thinking that might deter him a bit. Instead he got a
mischievous grin and slipped his head under the covers.

I giggled as Josh began to kiss me high on the thigh, then
spoke, using a horrible attempt at an Australian accent,
"G-day mate, we're here in the bush looking for the
illusive Brown Snake, I think I've spotted one right over

I began to giggle and squirm from my unseen assault, "Uh...
Mom, I have to go, I'll call you later so we can discuss
the colors of the rooms... okay? Love you too! Bye-bye."

As I hung up the phone I turned toward the huge lump under
the covers. "Oh... somebody needs to be taught a lesson!"

"Oh... look at the beauty... watch out for this one when
you're in the bush... it's a ripper! One bite from this
beauty will get you for sure." He continued his awful
imitation of the Australian.

"That's okay, I think I know how to handle this snake!" I
said grabbing his crotch with my tiny hand.

Almost instantly as it started to swell, he threw the
covers back and pulled me into a deep kiss holding me

"God, Mrs. Josh Anderson... I have never been happier than
I am at this moment!" He stared deeply into my eyes still
using his Australian accent.

I felt my eyes smile back at him, "Would that be because of
what I have growing inside my belly... or what is growing
inside my hand?"

He moved me closer to him and kissed my upturned face, "I'm
just happy that Mom introduced us to each other... she
always said that we would make a great couple!"

I placed my head on his broad chest, "I can think of
nowhere I would rather be than right here with you."
Playfully I began to massage him into a huge tower.

He chuckled, "Now that you have me all worked up... just
what are you planning to do?"

"I'll show you!" I teased as I straddled his waist with my

"No underwear?" Laughed Josh, "Such a naughty girl!"

I lowered myself down his shaft, "Is this what a naughty
girl feels like?" I began to rock on his stiff pole.

"No... I'm pretty sure that's not it... I think that's what
my beautiful wife feels like when she's satisfying me."

He pulled me toward him as I continued rocking. It didn't
take me very long to shoot me with a powerful jet of his
seed. I kissed him and lay down along his chest while I was
still impaled by his member. Only moving slightly to one
side so I could accommodate the swollen belly I now

Josh kissed the top of my head and gently began to rub my
smooth back. He brushed my long and golden hair out of my
face and gave me a tender squeeze.

"I can't believe it's been a year." He sighed contently.

I looked up into his handsome eyes and smiled, "Happy
Anniversary Love!"

"Happy Anniversary Erin." His kiss fell tenderly on my


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